Motivational Monday
Hey Friends! How are you this week? I hope well and if not, maybe we can work on that this week. If I need to pray for you, please send a quick message to me (you can send it on the church’s messenger) and I will certainly add you to my prayer list. We will get through this, right?
So, as I was preparing to write today’s topic and I noted I was tired. I have told myself I probably need to take a break from Monday writing to just re-energize myself. Just a creative break. But that usually leads to a topic…so I write. 🙂 I was thinking about the Olympics, politics, my church family, etc. and I questioned why is it so hard to be a christian? Why do I feel like my beliefs are attacked? Well, you know the drill, let’s talk about it.
I’m sure by now you have at least heard about the Olympic opening ceremony debacle. Personally, I have seen still pictures but I refuse to watch it. Am I being ignorant by not watching it? I don’t believe so. I’m just not going to add to the number of views when the still pictures are enough. There are a large number of people who feel Christianity was mocked. Was that the intention? I’m not going to speculate because I didn’t create the “show”. Was it a nod to Greek mythology? Maybe but there again, that doesn’t align with Christianity, right? People think Christians need to “just get over it” and “it’s not all about God”. Well, that’s easy for a non-christian to say. But this is nothing new to us. Christians have been mocked and persecuted as far back as the beginning. It’s hard being a christian.
The act of accepting Christ is easy. Everything that follows is hard. I know that admitting it’s hard doesn’t exactly sell Christianity. But, the things you want the most in life, you work hard for. Whether it’s your career, your family, or a hobby. You dedicate a lot of time and hard work to it. So, why is this any different? If something was super easy to you, you wouldn’t continue with it because you are a scholar. God never said this was going to be easy.
Before you were a christian, you really didn’t know all your defects. At the very least, you weren’t bothered by it. I’ll give you an example. Have you ever decided to tackle a “small” project in your house? Maybe change a faucet in a sink just because you want a shiny new one. There is nothing wrong with the old one. So, you take out the old faucet and you notice some mold. So, you remove the sink. Then, the counter. Then, the cabinet. Then, the wall the pipes were running into because you have a MAJOR leak.
That’s like becoming a Christian. You know you are not perfect. You have a few things you need to work on. But then, you open your bible and you start studying the word. You just went from getting a shiny new faucet to tearing down the WHOLE house. Behind every outward sin you think you have and need to work on, is a whole slew of emotions that you need to deal with. Such as fear, anger, envy, etc.
And this is where you need to be because this is where freedom happens. But here is where it’s the hardest because you have to work. You have to carry that cross daily (Luke 9:23). This is like training at the gym (1 Timothy 4:7). When you are here, you might be mocked or ridiculed by your friends who were with you when you didn’t see your short comings. They are mocking you because they can’t see their flaws. They see nothing wrong with the old faucet and they aren’t interested in going to Lowe’s to get a new one!
In order to be a disciple of Jesus means you have to allow Jesus to discipline you. Jesus is REALLY invested in you too. He wants you to succeed on this journey more than you know. And here’s the thing, you are already “in” so you’re not getting kicked out if you fall short. I know that you’re asking, “Well if I’m in, I don’t need to work as hard.” Eh, don’t do that. You are part of God’s family. He welcomed you with open arms. So, how would you feel if you welcomed someone in your home and literally gave them access to everything you have; but, they sleep on your couch and don’t contribute to the family in any way? When you bring it up, they say, “I dusted a week ago!!” By giving your all to Him, is the biggest thank you you can give Him for the sacrifices He has given you.
So, if you get bogged down with “it’s hard”, it’s ok. Why? You’re not wrong. It is hard. But you can’t let hard define you, your life and certainly not your relationship with Christ. All things that are worth it are hard.
Love you all and see you Sunday,