Month: January 2025

Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  As I was thinking about what to write today, I was hit in the face with a subject idea (thanks to my best friend 🙂).  Judgement.  Who is supposed to pass judgment?  So let’s talk about it.

When I was younger, I used to judge others pretty harshly.  I honestly don’t know why because I never thought of myself as better than anyone else (truly).  I guess, in my mind, right is right and wrong is wrong.  As I have aged, I see there is a lot of gray in that black and white.  Maybe this is easier for me to see because I have my own past.  And in this past, I needed people to see my gray and not judge me.  But, here’s the funny part, I DID need them to judge me.  What I needed was grace, love and accountability.  And to hold someone accountable that involves judgement.  And those closest to me did and they helped change me (which I am forever grateful). 

Following Jesus is simple, but not easy.

Matthew 7:1 simply states, “Judge not, that you be not judged.”  That’s pretty direct, right?  But let’s look at the verses after that, “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:2-5.  

If you read Matthew 7:1 and nothing else, it seems pretty clear.  But when you keep reading, you realize Jesus tells listeners how to approach someone who is behaving poorly.  If you skip down to Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus says that we can discern the true character of people by observing the fruit they bear.  So, can we judge or not?  Because, as a Christian, I feel like I am in a trap.  If I judge someone, I’m a hypocrite but if I don’t then I am not spreading the true gospel.  Personal opinion here, but this feels like the devil is doing his work perfectly.  We are doubting ourselves and we are allowing Jesus’s own words to stop us.

Judging is looking at another person’s action in such a way that you are pronouncing guilt on them. But what if that person has told you they were guilty?  They are coming to you needing guidance. During his time on Earth, Jesus lived what he taught, and he regularly (and rather assertively) addressed people’s harmful choices. So it wouldn’t make sense for him to prohibit us from using discernment in our relationships or the world at large.  I believe when Jesus used the word “judge” he referred to condemning others or treating them with judgemental contempt.

Let’s go back to Matthew 7:3-5 above.  Jesus’ words suggest there is a time and place to speak up when you see a problem.  Like Jesus, we can call out wrongdoing in ways that do not condemn or diminish anyone else.  But notice that it isn’t until the final line of his metaphor that Jesus says anything about assessing another person’s behavior. The majority of his instruction is about the important first step of self-reflection.  This is where I used to fall off the wagon on the whole “judging others” thing.  My self reflection was TERRIBLE!!

Recognizing, acknowledging and addressing our own failures is a very humbling experience.  And if you have ever been in a situation where you are lost (mentally and spiritually) but you emerged on the other side…then you know.  You were humbled to your core.  From this place of honest humility, we are less likely ro judgmentally condemn or think less of others.

This week, as you are watching the news or listening to a friend/family, pay attention to your thoughts or words. Notice when judgement escapes.  Where is this coming from?  This is where self reflection comes into play.  Likewise, if a friend is telling you something that is wrong, then stand up and say something!  If they are your friend, they will appreciate you (maybe not right then but later 😂). It IS ok to hold people accountable for their sins.  Mine did.  They listened, loved me and showed me grace.  And because of this accountability and love, I chose to come out the other side.

Love you all,


aka just some girl trying to get in heaven


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!!  Well, today was a big day for our country as we have a new president. I know some of you reading this might be happy and some might be apprehensive. And for the record, no matter how you feel, it’s ok. I love that I live in a country where I can disagree with someone’s politics (and religion!) and not worry about persecution. We are VERY blessed to live in the United States no matter how your cookie crumbles.  

In the past, we have talked about presidents and world leaders. Growing up, I was always taught to respect those in leadership positions. Remember, respect and agreeing with them on all topics are two very different things. So today, I wanted to talk about leadership roles. From the President to a CEO to your church.  What does God say about it?  Let’s talk about it.

Years ago, I was an Executive Assistant to the President of a large company. It was my job to KNOW this man….and I did. I knew what foods he liked, when his wife’s birthday was, his kids names, and even how he liked his coffee. One day, I was sitting in his office discussing work items when he asked me if I liked my job. I was stunned. By him asking me this question, I felt like he thought I wasn’t good at my job. I frantically started telling him all the things I knew about him.  He stopped me.  “Jennifer, do you feel like this job is a waste of your talents? Do you like your job?” I had never thought I was smart enough to do anything else until he asked me this question.

All throughout the Bible, we see a series of leaders who submit to God’s authority and those who don’t.  People prospered under leaders who honored God and sought after Him, but were oppressed by leaders who did not. The first two commandments God gave His people were to have no other gods before Him and we should not make any image that we worship before Him (Exodus 20:3-4). As we have talked about in previous Mondays, the idols we worship today are more likely to be people than statues. We value and honor those in leadership roles sometimes more than we value and honor the Lord. With leadership often comes recognition. And with recognition comes the temptation to put ourselves or our positions before God. If we’re not careful, we can worship the position instead of the One who promoted us to that position. 

True leaders roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches when times call for it. In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus tells His disciples that leaders should not exercise authority over people. Instead, whoever wants to become great must lower himself to be a servant. Leaders realize that serving others is the only way to lead with a pure heart, free of pride and arrogance.  

Leaders know you.  They come up and ask you about the wife and kids. That’s the kind of leader Peter, one of Jesus’ followers, describes in 1 Peter 5:1-5. Peter reminds us that leaders should be like shepherds, caring for and watching over the group of people they’ve been entrusted with. You see, back in the day, shepherds KNEW their sheep. They named them, cared for them, and trained them to respond to their voice. If the sheep wandered away, the shepherd went and found it and brought it back to the flock. This is the type of leader God calls us to be.

Lastly, a leader is someone you want to follow. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”  Like today, there are many people who are excited and ready to see what is in store for the US. Others are reluctant.  No matter what side of the fence you are on, you understand these emotions. We’ve all had a new boss we weren’t sure about!

Whether you are excited or reluctant, our country needs your prayers.  In 1 Timothy 2, Paul tells us to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Paul wrote these words under one of the harshest rulers in history, Nero, who was much worse than any leader the United States has ever had in power. 

This week, pray for our leaders to have wisdom, to be able to discern what is best for the people they are leading, and for unity. Don’t use your words to tear down or degrade your leader, but lift them up to the only One who can help the situation. Pray for a leader who asks you questions to help you become a better person and see your talents. I am thankful there have been a few on earth who have helped shape me but there is only ONE who made me who I am today.

Love you and see you soon,


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  Listen…LISTEN!!  I live in Alabama because I don’t do cold.  Honestly, I don’t love hot weather but I’ll take it over cold.!  Have y’all been outside today??!  What in the world?!  As my teeth were chattering in the car, I started thinking about what the weather would be like in heaven (because this is NOT heaven to me 🙂).  Once I started going down that path, I thought of a million other questions!  So let’s talk about it.

Every week with these Motivational Mondays, we always talk about praying, doing the right thing, loving the Lord, etc.  We do all of this to keep our eyes on the prize and that’s eternity in heaven.  Heaven isn’t the only prize in all of this but we are promised eternity with our Lord and Savior.  But have you ever thought about heaven?  Sure you have…we ALL have.  Now, I have never been but I hear the accommodations are phenomenal!  Like you never want to leave phenomenal, which is good because well, you are there to stay.  So today, I wanted to address a few common questions about heaven.

Before I start, I’ll be the first to admit that I DON’T have all the answers (and this applies to ALL Motivational Mondays).  I try to put personal feelings aside and look at things from a Biblical stance.  If I do state a personal feeling, I try to explain why I personally feel that way.  Because I have never been to heaven or have spoken to anyone personally who has been and came back, I am not sure I have all the accurate answers to questions but we can try.

Will we have bodies and live human lives?  When I envision heaven, I appear (in my head) as my physical appearance.  I envision seeing my loved ones and even my previous pets there.  I have always thought that we might look different (maybe we are our younger selves) but we know who each other are.  I think heaven is a place of pure beauty with lush green fields, waterfalls and produce galore (I don’t know if we will need to eat but maybe…?).  We will laugh with joy and be merry all the time.  And I believe this will involve all of those in heaven we love.  Why? We were/are created in God’s image.  God is creative (I mean, look out your window) and intelligent.  I would imagine heaven is a place that fulfills God’s original plan.

Will we still be ourselves with our memories of this life?  When Jesus died on the cross and he arose from the dead, Luke 24:36-40 says, “As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you!’ But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. And he said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.’ And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.”  Jesus didn’t turn into anyone else.  He was Jesus.  And Jesus remembered what happened to him because he showed his hands and feet.  To be fair, when he arose and spoke, he wasn’t in heaven.  Isaiah 65:17 says, “‘For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.’”

I genuinely hope I am me when I get heaven and I hope I remember the good in this life.  I am sure I will be the best version of me which is sinless.  Based on the above scriptures, I am inclined to believe we will be ourselves with possibly some memory.

Will there be animals and will past pets be there?  Okay friends, if you know ANYTHING about me at all, it’s that I am a HUGE animal lover.  I love all animals.  I am sure that one day when I die, I will be trying to pet something that will eat me.  I pray for animals almost as much as I pray for humans.  So before answering this question, I felt the need to be 100%transparent.

As you know from reading scripture, the Bible is full of references of animals.  The Bible is clear about how important animals are to us.  God didn’t put them on earth because they are cute (but they are cute!)  Animals are the second most important inhabitants on the planet.  So what about heaven?  Isaiah 65:25 says, “‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox,and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain,’says the Lord.”  When the Lord said this he was referring to the new heavens and a new earth.  I think this shows that we will cohabitate with animals.  Maybe in heaven, I can pet all the animals without fear of being eaten!

So for our past pets to be there…I don’t know.  There is nothing I can point to in the Bible to say, “This!  This is it right here!”  What I can say (personal feeling here), is God knew all my animals would be my pet.  He knows the great joy they bring me and because he is mighty and loving God, it would be just like him to have our animals waiting on us.  At least, that is my hope.  But again, I am biased when it comes to animals.

As stated earlier, I don’t have all the answers about heaven.  But I can’t imagine a heaven where love isn’t first and foremost.  I mean the Lord is there for us to love.  He will be right.there.  So, if we love things here on earth that were created by him and were “good”, I can’t imagine it not being a part of heaven.  That’s our love for each other, our love to help one another, our love for beautiful natural things, and our love (and/or appreciation) of animals.  I don’t want to leave this earth until my service here is done.  But, BUT!  I can’t wait to see heaven!  I can’t wait to see what is in store for me.  And I can’t wait to see all of you there where we can worship the Lord together, eternally.

Love you all,


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