Cumberland Presbyterian Women’s Ministry (CPWM) and and our Women’s Bible Study. Our Bible studies, fellowships, service projects and support will help you develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and with other women as we serve the Lord together.
Cumberland Presbyterian Women Ministry (CPWM) – meets the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall at church. Bible study followed by a bring-a-dish lunch. The CPWM is a missions oriented service group. They have an annual Holiday Craft Bazaar to sell homemade crafts and baked goods in order to raise funds for missions. They have also had other fundraisers in the recent past such as a Holiday Home Tour and a “Tablescapes” Luncheon. Through these fundraisers they have been able to support several of our missionaries and have helped to fund mission trips in the U.S. and abroad as well as helping those in need in our community.
Women’s Bible Study – Please check events or schedule to see when they are meeting. When held, the Women’s Bible Study has met on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. (see calendar) at the church. They have done Bible studies by inspirational writers such as Sheila Walsh and Beth Moore and are currently studying “Here, Now – There Then” by Beth Moore. All are welcome to join in at any time in this series.