Beth Acton and Joy Ayabe
Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea
Beth Acton and Joy Ayabe have served in a number of roles in Papua New Guinea over the past 27 years as translators, literacy workers, administrators and trainers. They are currently involved in training Papua New Guinean men and women to work within their own vernacular languages as literacy workers and trainers. Crucial to the task of providing Scriptures in the heart languages of the people, is ensuring that there is a ‘readership’ ready for those Scriptures when they are produced. Beth and Joy have completed the New Testament translation of the Bible for the tribe that they lived with in Papua New Guinea.

Socorro Pejendino
C.P. Church Planter in Guatemala City
Socorro have been sent to Guatemala City by the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination to plant churches in this area. On a recent mission trip to Guatemala, a group from our church worked with them to build a children’s classroom in a home church. They also helped a family in the community whose home was badly damaged in a recent mudslide. They removed mud that was several feet deep using only small buckets to carry the mud from the house. To support the Socorro, please click on this link and donate to the Stott-Wallace Fund –

Gary and Jackie Burnett
Missionaries to Colombia, South America
Gary and Jackie are long time friends of Spring Creek Church. Jackie (originally from Colombia) taught Spanish to several of our members. They have recently been called to the mission field in Colombia, South America. Here is their mission statement – “Our mission is to establish partnerships with local churches, Christian schools, and seminaries to help build on sound doctrine and teaching of Scripture. Because of the decades of violence in Colombia, women and children have been greatly affected. We will facilitate and collaborate with our local partners to create pathways to reach them with the gospel. Our passion is to assist and help strengthen the local churches through Christian education, evangelistic outreach and discipleship ministry.”
To contact the Burnetts or to support their ministry, please contact them at garywithjackie@gmail.com