Hey friends!! Well, today was a big day for our country as we have a new president. I know some of you reading this might be happy and some might be apprehensive. And for the record, no matter how you feel, it’s ok. I love that I live in a country where I can disagree with someone’s politics (and religion!) and not worry about persecution. We are VERY blessed to live in the United States no matter how your cookie crumbles.
In the past, we have talked about presidents and world leaders. Growing up, I was always taught to respect those in leadership positions. Remember, respect and agreeing with them on all topics are two very different things. So today, I wanted to talk about leadership roles. From the President to a CEO to your church. What does God say about it? Let’s talk about it.
Years ago, I was an Executive Assistant to the President of a large company. It was my job to KNOW this man….and I did. I knew what foods he liked, when his wife’s birthday was, his kids names, and even how he liked his coffee. One day, I was sitting in his office discussing work items when he asked me if I liked my job. I was stunned. By him asking me this question, I felt like he thought I wasn’t good at my job. I frantically started telling him all the things I knew about him. He stopped me. “Jennifer, do you feel like this job is a waste of your talents? Do you like your job?” I had never thought I was smart enough to do anything else until he asked me this question.
All throughout the Bible, we see a series of leaders who submit to God’s authority and those who don’t. People prospered under leaders who honored God and sought after Him, but were oppressed by leaders who did not. The first two commandments God gave His people were to have no other gods before Him and we should not make any image that we worship before Him (Exodus 20:3-4). As we have talked about in previous Mondays, the idols we worship today are more likely to be people than statues. We value and honor those in leadership roles sometimes more than we value and honor the Lord. With leadership often comes recognition. And with recognition comes the temptation to put ourselves or our positions before God. If we’re not careful, we can worship the position instead of the One who promoted us to that position.
True leaders roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches when times call for it. In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus tells His disciples that leaders should not exercise authority over people. Instead, whoever wants to become great must lower himself to be a servant. Leaders realize that serving others is the only way to lead with a pure heart, free of pride and arrogance.
Leaders know you. They come up and ask you about the wife and kids. That’s the kind of leader Peter, one of Jesus’ followers, describes in 1 Peter 5:1-5. Peter reminds us that leaders should be like shepherds, caring for and watching over the group of people they’ve been entrusted with. You see, back in the day, shepherds KNEW their sheep. They named them, cared for them, and trained them to respond to their voice. If the sheep wandered away, the shepherd went and found it and brought it back to the flock. This is the type of leader God calls us to be.
Lastly, a leader is someone you want to follow. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Like today, there are many people who are excited and ready to see what is in store for the US. Others are reluctant. No matter what side of the fence you are on, you understand these emotions. We’ve all had a new boss we weren’t sure about!
Whether you are excited or reluctant, our country needs your prayers. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul tells us to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Paul wrote these words under one of the harshest rulers in history, Nero, who was much worse than any leader the United States has ever had in power.
This week, pray for our leaders to have wisdom, to be able to discern what is best for the people they are leading, and for unity. Don’t use your words to tear down or degrade your leader, but lift them up to the only One who can help the situation. Pray for a leader who asks you questions to help you become a better person and see your talents. I am thankful there have been a few on earth who have helped shape me but there is only ONE who made me who I am today.
Love you and see you soon,