Tag: happy

Motivational Monday

Well friends, we only have one more Monday before Christmas.  Are you ready?  I’m ready to see my family and watch everyone open presents.  That is my favorite part of Christmas.  Sitting back, sipping coffee, watching those I love and smiling.  Seriously.  It brings me an abundant amount of joy.  Which just so happens to be TODAY’s topic!  Shocker, I know.  So, let’s talk about it.

In the beginning, the God of joy made a world full of joys.  I like to call these normal joys.  Now, let me be clear for a second, none of these joys are exactly “normal”.  I mean, I can’t create animals or vegetation.  But, that is what I call a normal joy and not a “great joy”.  I know most of you here are thinking, “Umm Jennifer…if creation is just a normal joy what is a great joy?”  I am so glad you asked!  But hold that thought a second.

The word “joy” appears in the Bible over 200 times.  Just like your parents when they repeat something over and over, it’s important.  Apparently God wanted us to know and experience joy which is why it’s repeated.  But did you know there is great joy?  Seriously!  And great joy is only referenced in the Bible single digit times.  I feel like if God could have circled certain things in the Bible as important, I feel like “great joy” would be circled because those things are pretty important.  Let me give you some examples of great joy: the anointing of David’s own son as his successor, at the height of Israel’s kingdom — “great joy” (1 Kings 1:40). At the restoration of the Passover after generations of neglect — “great joy” (2 Chronicles 30:26). At the dedication of Nehemiah’s rebuilt walls after the return from exile — “great joy” (Nehemiah 12:43). Matthew and Luke celebrate “great joy” at his resurrection and ascension (Matthew 28:8; Luke 24:52).  There’s a few more but I think you get the point on the importance level.  Except I left one out…

Christmas is a great joy.

God created the world to just remake it again.  God gave us our first covenant to just give us a second.  God gave us a garden so we could have a garden city later.  God gave us all these normal joys because He knew it would be surpassed with Jesus.  He gave us these “normal” joys just so we know deep, great joy.  Just like everything else, you have to know good before you can know better.

From Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem to his crucifixion death, this Joy aka Jesus was born of insignificance.  Meaning, He was born in a stable and laid on a manager where animals ate.  He was rejected by His own people, betrayed by His friend and killed.  And it was a “normal” death.  He was beaten and made to carry the cross He was to die on through the streets while wearing a crown of thorns shoved on His head.  He was spat on, cursed and hated.  He was NAILED to that cross where He hung there in the heat.  Yet he was still witnessing to the thief next to him.  Then, THEN He died.  But guess what?  Even in death, He could not be extinguished.  It was too deep..it was great.

Every Christmas, we talk about Christmas joy.  I think most of us get caught up in the season.  We know it’s Jesus’s birth.  But like everything else, we treat it as just a “normal” joy.  Friends, it is so much more than that.  We can’t love Him and appreciate Him enough for what He has done for us because we aren’t perfect.  And He knows that!!  Yet, He still takes care of us.

So this week, as things get pretty hectic, remember Christmas Joy.  And a lack of presents, decorations, food, or family can never take that joy from you.  Ever.

Love you all,


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  I am so glad you are here!  Y’all.  I love Thanksgiving.  I used to be the person that felt like it was a “eh” holiday but as I have gotten older, I really appreciate it.  I am super excited about it this year and I hope you are too!

This week I want to talk about the Bible.  I know, I know!  I talk about it every week.  But THIS week, I want to talk about what’s NOT in the Bible.  Am I crazy?  Of course I am!  Let’s talk about it!

I believe most people in this world are good, well meaning people.  Look, I know there is evil in this world.  I am not naive.  However I believe, as Christians, we say (and believe!) things we have heard that’s in the Bible and we repeat them.  We repeat them out of love and support because these things sound really nice.  But these things are…unbiblical.  So I want to talk about some unbiblical statements that we hear the most often.

“God wants me to be happy.”  I appreciate that you relate God to happiness.  But God wants you to be obedient.  He wants you to trust Him.  He wants us to believe that everything He does for us is for our own good.  And sometimes, what is good for us will not make us happy.  And we need to realize that is ok!  It’s ok to be unhappy.  I know that’s a VERY unpopular opinion. But listen, you can’t justify sinful behavior with, “God wants me to be happy.”  It just doesn’t work that way.  “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

“We are all God’s children.”  Hopefully the person who said it originally meant God created everyone.  And that is true.  But unfortunately, we are NOT all God’s children.  Only those who have repented of sin, placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and possess the Holy Spirit of God inside of them can claim Him as their Father: “But you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:15–16).

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.”  Such a good southern saying!  I know as a child when I came in sweaty and stinky my parents wanted to just bathe.  And, as a parent,  I can appreciate that!  I mean, we have all been around some stinky people.  It happens.  But nowhere in the Bible does that statement occur.  Can you imagine the smell of the lepers?  Or heck!  What about people in general at that time?  There was no deodorant!    You didn’t see Jesus saying, “You stink.  I can’t help you because you are dirty.”  It was quite the opposite.

“God won’t give you more than you can handle.”  My personal favorite.  This is always said when you are overwhelmed with life.  And, I know the person telling you this is well meaning.  But friends..this statement is just not true.  Life is more than we handle because we live in a fallen world.  It is more than WE can handle which is why God wants us to surrender to Him!  God has a way of getting you on your knees…so give it to Him.

“Bad things happen to good people.”  I know you’re thinking, “well I don’t see how that statement is inaccurate.”  But in order to believe this statement, you would have to believe we are all inherently good.  And as Romans 3:10 states, “As it is written: ‘None is righteous, no, not one’”.  We, human Christians, are the ones judging what is good and bad.  This is human nature but inaccurate.  When we say this (or believe this), I think our heart hurts for someone else because we see them hurting.  We need something to help us make sense of what’s happened and that statement is sort of a bandaid.  When we just need God.  

I can name more but these are just a few.  And I do want to say, I truly believe when people use these sayings they want what is best for you.  And I believe they believe it’s in the Bible.  I don’t believe Christians purposely spread false information.  I believe their heart is in the right place.  One thing I’ve had to learn (and I’m still learning) is your words can’t fix their problem and vice versa.  So I think it is best to listen to state facts.  Even if all you can say is, “I am so sorry you are going through that!  What can I do to help you?  I will pray for you.” 

This week, I would like to assign you a little bit of homework.  Reflect on a statement you have said or one you have heard.  Then, I would like you to look up scripture in the Bible to see if it’s there OR supports what you have heard.  I think you will be surprised at what you learn.  

See you next Sunday,


Motivational Monday

The 5 “L’s” of Life Series

Hey friends!  Today is the last day of our series and I have to say, I have really enjoyed writing it.  To have started off with, “How in the world am I going to write about this?” to “Oh, I kinda enjoyed this series!” is a huge win for me.  😂  That thought actually made me giggle a little when I wrote it…which is a PERFECT segway into today’s last topic.  Laughter.  So, let’s talk about it.

Listen, I LOVE to laugh.  I laugh at the wrong times and right times!  😣  Fun fact about me (like you don’t know enough)!  I laughed the whole way through my wedding ceremony.  Yep.  True story.  When I think of my best friend Samantha, I can literally hear her laughter.  Her laugh makes me laugh!  Laughing makes me feel good.  It brings me closer to the person I am laughing with.  But have you ever thought about laughter from a christian aspect?  I’ll be honest, I have never thought about it so let’s take a go at it!

So from a health perspective, what does laughter do for us?  Well, it has been proven that laughter lowers blood pressure and stress hormones.  There have been times I am annoyed with my husband and he will cut the tension with a “funny”.  And 9/10 times, my mood is much better.  Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”  Laughter wasn’t a by-product from emotions.  God knew exactly what we needed with laughter.

Laughter is a response to God’s love and grace.  I think about the movie, Steel Magnolias.  At the end of the movie when M’lynn is having a meltdown over Shelby’s death (and rightfully so), Clairee throws Ousier in the mix by offering M’lynn a “once in lifetime opportunity to knock Ouiser out!”  Life presents us with good times and bad.  There is a “time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.”  Ecclesiastes 3:4

Can you imagine a life without laughter?  More than likely, we only know pain, grief, and just melancholy.  Right?  What if we only ONLY experienced joy?  Listen, pain and suffering are a part of God’s plan in your life.  Those things draw you closer to Him.  Laughter is a part of ups and downs of life.  David says in Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  David not only shared his sadness with the Lord but his joy.  Laughter is part of relationship building.  With people and God!

But do you know what I see when people laugh?  Faith.  Let me explain.  Has there ever been a time in your life when something is eating at you?  Or you have extreme sadness?  Or you have a loved one in the hospital?  And all you can do is pray.  You’re worried.  And then one day, it’s like you let go and suddenly a little chuckle comes out of you.  It’s hard to laugh when you feel unsafe.  By allowing laughter to return, you are trusting Him to help you through this time.  Laughter helps us know that God is good and that He has a plan for us. By laughing, we also share His love, grace, and joy with others. So, let us laugh more often, and let our laughter reflect our soul.  

So this week, I want to challenge you to a game.  This is a made up “Jennifer” game (ask Jon!  This is a real game I play).  When you go shopping this week, I want you to make your cashier laugh.  I’ll give you a hint as to how to open them up to laughter…say something positive about them first.  Ask them questions about THEM.  Then, have a conversation as they are ringing you up.  Get them to laugh.  I want you to take note of their face from beginning to end.  Look at how you impacted their stress level for what…3-5 minutes?  It’s amazing.  God did that.

Love you all and see you Sunday,



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