Well friends, we only have one more Monday before Christmas.  Are you ready?  I’m ready to see my family and watch everyone open presents.  That is my favorite part of Christmas.  Sitting back, sipping coffee, watching those I love and smiling.  Seriously.  It brings me an abundant amount of joy.  Which just so happens to be TODAY’s topic!  Shocker, I know.  So, let’s talk about it.

In the beginning, the God of joy made a world full of joys.  I like to call these normal joys.  Now, let me be clear for a second, none of these joys are exactly “normal”.  I mean, I can’t create animals or vegetation.  But, that is what I call a normal joy and not a “great joy”.  I know most of you here are thinking, “Umm Jennifer…if creation is just a normal joy what is a great joy?”  I am so glad you asked!  But hold that thought a second.

The word “joy” appears in the Bible over 200 times.  Just like your parents when they repeat something over and over, it’s important.  Apparently God wanted us to know and experience joy which is why it’s repeated.  But did you know there is great joy?  Seriously!  And great joy is only referenced in the Bible single digit times.  I feel like if God could have circled certain things in the Bible as important, I feel like “great joy” would be circled because those things are pretty important.  Let me give you some examples of great joy: the anointing of David’s own son as his successor, at the height of Israel’s kingdom — “great joy” (1 Kings 1:40). At the restoration of the Passover after generations of neglect — “great joy” (2 Chronicles 30:26). At the dedication of Nehemiah’s rebuilt walls after the return from exile — “great joy” (Nehemiah 12:43). Matthew and Luke celebrate “great joy” at his resurrection and ascension (Matthew 28:8; Luke 24:52).  There’s a few more but I think you get the point on the importance level.  Except I left one out…

Christmas is a great joy.

God created the world to just remake it again.  God gave us our first covenant to just give us a second.  God gave us a garden so we could have a garden city later.  God gave us all these normal joys because He knew it would be surpassed with Jesus.  He gave us these “normal” joys just so we know deep, great joy.  Just like everything else, you have to know good before you can know better.

From Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem to his crucifixion death, this Joy aka Jesus was born of insignificance.  Meaning, He was born in a stable and laid on a manager where animals ate.  He was rejected by His own people, betrayed by His friend and killed.  And it was a “normal” death.  He was beaten and made to carry the cross He was to die on through the streets while wearing a crown of thorns shoved on His head.  He was spat on, cursed and hated.  He was NAILED to that cross where He hung there in the heat.  Yet he was still witnessing to the thief next to him.  Then, THEN He died.  But guess what?  Even in death, He could not be extinguished.  It was too deep..it was great.

Every Christmas, we talk about Christmas joy.  I think most of us get caught up in the season.  We know it’s Jesus’s birth.  But like everything else, we treat it as just a “normal” joy.  Friends, it is so much more than that.  We can’t love Him and appreciate Him enough for what He has done for us because we aren’t perfect.  And He knows that!!  Yet, He still takes care of us.

So this week, as things get pretty hectic, remember Christmas Joy.  And a lack of presents, decorations, food, or family can never take that joy from you.  Ever.

Love you all,
