Hey friends!  Yesterday, we had our annual Soup-er Missions Fundraiser.  Every year the OutReach Team looks at different mission opportunities.  Then, we allocate the funds from the soup-er fundraiser to those opportunities.  Each year, we have a speaker come to discuss what we are supporting that year.  This got me thinking about missions and how important they are.  So, let’s talk about it.

To start with, I am on the OutReach Team.  How many mission trips have I personally been on?  None.  That’s right.  Zero.  It was only somewhat recently that I have felt a calling to do mission work.  I am not sure how, when or where I will go but I do plan on something one day.   I feel certain God will let me know when it’s the opportunity He wants me to be a  part of.  But, being on the OutReach Team, it has opened my eyes on the importance of being a part of a church that is mission minded.

Many churches nowadays are pulled in MANY different directions.  There are different programs, needs and decisions that need to be made.  Because of this, it is easy for a church to just retreat inward.  Because let’s be honest, that’s the easiest thing to do.  But if you look at the Bible, church is meant to be outward facing.  Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  

Being mission minded is so much more than meeting once a month to talk about global missionaries and what they are doing.  It’s more than discussing and planning trips.  And I think when people hear the word missions, they think global.  And yes!  That is correct!  But it’s also a worship service.  It’s our youth group.  It’s community outreach.  AND!!  It’s about global mission efforts.  Why is this essential in our church?

Well first, it reflects the heart of God.  God has always been focused on redeeming people from every single nation.  In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His disciples that they would witness “in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  Notice in that scripture, it covers local, national and global.

Speaking of globally, we are able to engage with churches all over the world.  You see, missions are not just about helping those who are lost.  It is also about building relationships with other Christians worldwide.  We have connected with many people/churches and we are able to see how they worship (from a cultural aspect).  We stay in contact with missionaries who are on the front lines of spreading God’s word in countries who are less than thrilled with them being there.  It helps me to appreciate what I have and shows me I need to be diligent about spreading the word here in the US. 

Lastly, this about the next generation.  I want to arm and empower our kids with the word of God.  The Youth Group and Kreek Kids have a great time when they get together.  Yes, there is a lesson every day they meet.  But they are shown the importance of outreach.  Just the fact they are there and they are engaging in the group, they are products of outreach.  They take that back home.  They take that to school.  They are armed with the knowledge to make good decisions.  

Missions are so much more than I can write today.  And frankly, I don’t feel I am doing it complete justice.  I know we hear about missionaries and what they are doing but comprehending it is difficult sometimes (because we aren’t there and it’s hard to understand that people don’t have a right to worship).  We are spoiled in that respect (and thank you Jesus for that!).  But when you think about missionary work being in your own church…you see the waves it creates globally.  It’s up to us to be on the boat that creates those waves.

Love you all and see you next week,
