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Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday- the 5 “L’s” of Life Series

Hey friends!  When I started this series, I would love to tell you that I planned to talk about labor on Labor Day but I am not that organized.  It just worked out that way.  Speaking of work…what does God say about work?  How hard do we need to labor?  So, let’s talk it!

For those who don’t know, I am 44 years old.  I have worked since I was 16 years old and I have quite a bit of my work life left in me.  I think about the day I can retire but I am not sure what I will do when that time comes.  If I turn out like my mother, I’ll be busier retired than working!  She never really stopped working.  Her focus just shifted to working for the Lord.  

The Bible makes it clear that work matters to God.  And it doesn’t matter how much you make or what your occupation is.  God cares about your work (He really does!).  There are some points the Bible makes about working/laboring.  It provides us with a practical foundation for Christians asking about what the Bible says about how we should approach our work.

First, work is part of God’s big picture.  Let’s start with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.  Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”  Work was planned by God from the beginning until the very end.  He created it.  So working is a gift from God.  You don’t have to love working but you should acknowledge that He gifted you the ability to work.

Second, God provides us with unique skills, gifts and talents and calls us to certain roles and activities.  I know one of my skills is people.  I can make people feel at ease and therefore, they open up to me (like in the middle of Walmart.  True story).  For my mental state, I never wanted to be a counselor but I knew I SHOULD work with people.  I think like everyone, I worry if I am fulfilling God’s calling with my life but all I can do is pray and stay open to His guidance.  In my professional life, when people open up to me, I try to approach all subjects with love and understanding.  So far, it hasn’t failed me yet!

Third, a foundation of work is quality, character and ethics.  We are responsible for our quality of work we produce, our faithfulness to God in the way we pursue work and our own character while working.  Early in my career, I was asked to do something that was unethical.  I really needed my job and we couldn’t afford for me to be terminated (which was the stated outcome if I didn’t comply with what was presented).  I had to make a quick decision and I didn’t have time to talk it over with Jon.  Not only did I refuse but I dared them to fire me.  Now, I probably shouldn’t have dared them 😬 (anger slid in and took over a minute) but I don’t regret the decision.  I knew my time with them was limited because of the decision I made but it was the right decision.  I left my job a few months later.  My ethics are based on right and wrong.  Biblical ethics in my professional life.  For the record, I talk about my ethics in job interviews so this is never an issue again.

Fourth, we are called to rest.  Can I tell you how MUCH I appreciate the Lord stating we need to rest?  I am someone who never stops.  I can never get it all done whether it’s at home, at church or work.  There are things that stay unfinished and I feel guilty for resting.  But there are days (like today), I need to recharge and rest.  I have to remind myself that it’s ok to do this because God!  When God created us, He didn’t have to design us to sleep but He did.  Have you ever thought about that?  He could have designed us to be the Energizer Bunny and keep going and going and going…

I appreciate Labor Day because it’s a celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.  Labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made in America’s strength, prosperity and well being.  But laboring isn’t about our country.  It doesn’t matter how young or old.  Never stop laboring for God.

Love you all and see you next week!


Motivational Monday

The 5 “L’s” of Life Series

Hey friends!  So let’s continue our series this week on love.  This topic is pretty broad so we have plenty to discuss.  So, let’s talk about it.

I did a quick google search to find some physical benefits of love.  Love and your health go hand in hand.  Did you know when you love and show love your life expectancy is increased?  It also helps you maintain a healthy heart, reduces depression, boosts your immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, eases acute/chronic pain, helps your tummy, and improves your sleep?  That’s…a lot!  Seeing all the physical health benefits, how can anyone believe we were not here to love one another, right?

Love is defined as a strong or deep affection for; to like or enjoy very much; to hold dear or cherish; concern for the good of another.  But what is the biblical definition of love?  1 John 4:7-10 defines it pretty well, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us:  He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love:  not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”  This passage tells us that God is love; love comes from God; love was demonstrated by sending His only son to die for our sins; and, love is NOT that we love Him but that God loves us.


Perfect…that’s great Jennifer.  But, how and who does God want us to love?  Because, I have a hard time loving everyone.  Listen, I understand but imagine being God.  He loves everyone and I’m sure there are some He wants to roll his eyes over.  

Love everyone.  Yep.  You need to.  In the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Jesus made it clear that loving your neighbor means more than loving those you know, like or most like you.  It extends to those that are different.  This includes people whose political affiliations are different from you (which is a pretty hot topic at the moment!).  But different races, religions, social circles, and even those who make fun of you.  Why?  Because we all sin.  Their sin is just different from yours and you want to be loved right?  In fact, Jesus loved the most unlovable people.  WE are to do the same.

Second, you need to exhibit biblical characteristics of love.  One of my favorite passages in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.”  We live in a world where we are told we have to accept anything and everything or we are hateful.  Well, in a biblical sense, love is caring about a person’s soul.  So we are expected to share the truth and gospel message in love.  Romans 12:9, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Third, pairs really nicely with the second point and that’s love one another in action and truth.  1 John 3:16-18, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”  We can’t die on a cross for someone’s sins like Jesus but we can act in love.  You balance this with God’s Word and prayer.  

Listen, loving everyone is not an easy thing to do.  Trust me, I feel this everyday.  And because this can be a struggle for me, I have to pray about it.  In fact, I pray the most for people I DON’T get along with because I know I need to do better.  I know the entire Bible is based on God’s love through Jesus.  Faith and hope have a fulfillment date but love is never ending.


Love you all,



Motivational Monday

As I was scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration for this week’s meals, I came across a prayer someone had pinned called the “I Don’t Know Prayer”.  It goes like this: “You just go somewhere quiet and you sit at the feet of God and you say, ‘I don’t know. I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know what is happening. I don’t know how to process this. I don’t know what to do with these emotions. I don’t know how to handle this situation’. And then with whatever little grain of faith you have, you say, ’but You know.’ And you leave it there. God most certainly hears your prayer. Declare Amen.”

Man, have I been there before!  So, let’s talk about it!

When I was a young mother, life was pretty hectic and mundane at the same time.  Everyday, we would get up, get dressed, get Logan dressed, feed him, pack his bag, get him to the car, take him to daycare, go to work, go back to get him, come home, cook dinner, get him a bath, read a book, cuddle, then I would shower, I MIGHT watch some TV but then I would go to bed.  (For the record, Jon is a very involved dad and he would help wherever I needed him.)  Even though the day is different, it’s the exact same.  And you get…lost.  Or at least, I did.  I was lost in the middle of MY life.  

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE(D) my life.  I love being a mom and wife.  I love making my house a home.  But how much time have I spent pouring laundry detergent in the washer?  How much time have I spent asking Logan what he wants for dinner?  It’s not washing or cooking, it’s the redundancy and cyclicality of it all.  And then there is the time factor…

And the more I did, the more hidden I felt.  I was unnoticed.  I was unseen.  I didn’t need a trophy.  I didn’t need “atta girl” daily.  But I was becoming more and more lost.  I am sure Jon felt the same way.  To this day, we talk about that time when life was hard.  Everything from eating to talking was…hard.  Why?  We were lost.

You know who saw us?  Who knew down to second how much time has been spent pouring that laundry detergent in the washer?  Who saw every single thing I did and uttered, “Keep going”?  My heavenly Father.  How do I know this?

Hagar, who also felt unnoticed, unseen and hidden, He told her he saw her. (Genesis 16:6).  He assured her He had a plan and this mundane work would last a season.

Ruth, who also was doing mundane work, picking up leftover grain for a season (Ruth 2:2) and He reminded her this would prepare her for a husband.

David was doing mundane work by shepherding sheep for a season (1 Samuel 16:19) and He reminded him how this prepared him to become king one day.  

Peter and other disciples were doing mundane work by casting a fishing net in hopes of catching a plethora of fish (Matthew 4:19) and He reminded them how this would prepare the disciples to be fishers of men.

You see, the work you do doesn’t DEFINE you.  I think we get caught up in that sometimes.  What we do is for seasons.  This mundane work you are doing creates character.  There is beauty in mundane work. So what you are doing for this SEASON, lays groundwork for the future.  Don’t get bogged down with “mundaneness”.

And for the record, God always sees you.  You aren’t lost.  He knows EXACTLY where you are at all times.  He knows exactly where you have been, where you are today and where you are going!  If you feel lost, remember that is just a feeling.

This week, as you are doing dishes or washing clothes and you are tired, it’s ok.  It’s ok to feel tired and unnoticed.  Feeling this way is just a reminder you need to pray.  And your prayer can be the “I Don’t Know Prayer” and THAT’S ok too!  Why?  Because He’s got you.  He sees you.  He knows you’re tired and He has plans for you.  Just know that what you are doing now is for just a very small season.  That mundane work you’re doing is love.  Imagine the love He shows you daily and what that entails on His part.

Love you all and see you Wednesday for the midweek message!


Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hey Friends!  How are you this week?  I hope well and if not, maybe we can work on that this week.  If I need to pray for you, please send a quick message to me (you can send it on the church’s messenger) and I will certainly add you to my prayer list.  We will get through this, right?

So, as I was preparing to write today’s topic and I noted I was tired.  I have told myself I probably need to take a break from Monday writing to just re-energize myself.  Just a creative break.  But that usually leads to a topic…so I write. 🙂 I was thinking about the Olympics, politics, my church family, etc. and I questioned why is it so hard to be a christian?  Why do I feel like my beliefs are attacked?  Well, you know the drill, let’s talk about it.

I’m sure by now you have at least heard about the Olympic opening ceremony debacle.  Personally, I have seen still pictures but I refuse to watch it.  Am I being ignorant by not watching it?  I don’t believe so.  I’m just not going to add to the number of views when the still pictures are enough.  There are a large number of people who feel Christianity was mocked.  Was that the intention?  I’m not going to speculate because I didn’t create the “show”.  Was it a nod to Greek mythology? Maybe but there again, that doesn’t align with Christianity, right?  People think Christians need to “just get over it” and “it’s not all about God”.  Well, that’s easy for a non-christian to say.  But this is nothing new to us.  Christians have been mocked and persecuted as far back as the beginning.  It’s hard being a christian.

The act of accepting Christ is easy.  Everything that follows is hard.  I know that admitting it’s hard doesn’t exactly sell Christianity.  But, the things you want the most in life, you work hard for.  Whether it’s your career, your family, or a hobby.  You dedicate a lot of time and hard work to it.  So, why is this any different?  If something was super easy to you, you wouldn’t continue with it because you are a scholar.  God never said this was going to be easy.

Before you were a christian, you really didn’t know all your defects.  At the very least, you weren’t bothered by it.  I’ll give you an example.  Have you ever decided to tackle a “small” project in your house?  Maybe change a faucet in a sink just because you want a shiny new one.  There is nothing wrong with the old one.  So, you take out the old faucet and you notice some mold.  So, you remove the sink.  Then, the counter.  Then, the cabinet.  Then, the wall the pipes were running into because you have a MAJOR leak.  

That’s like becoming a Christian.  You know you are not perfect.  You have a few things you need to work on.  But then, you open your bible and you start studying the word.  You just went from getting a shiny new faucet to tearing down the WHOLE house.  Behind every outward sin you think you have and need to work on, is a whole slew of emotions that you need to deal with.  Such as fear, anger, envy, etc.

And this is where you need to be because this is where freedom happens.  But here is where it’s the hardest because you have to work.   You have to carry that cross daily (Luke 9:23).  This is like training at the gym (1 Timothy 4:7).  When you are here, you might be mocked or ridiculed by your friends who were with you when you didn’t see your short comings.  They are mocking you because they can’t see their flaws.  They see nothing wrong with the old faucet and they aren’t interested in going to Lowe’s to get a new one!

In order to be a disciple of Jesus means you have to allow Jesus to discipline you.  Jesus is REALLY invested in you too.  He wants you to succeed on this journey more than you know. And here’s the thing, you are already “in” so you’re not getting kicked out if you fall short.  I know that you’re asking, “Well if I’m in, I don’t need to work as hard.”  Eh, don’t do that.  You are part of God’s family.  He welcomed you with open arms.  So, how would you feel if you welcomed someone in your home and literally gave them access to everything you have; but, they sleep on your couch and don’t contribute to the family in any way?  When you bring it up, they say, “I dusted a week ago!!”  By giving your all to Him, is the biggest thank you you can give Him for the sacrifices He has given you.

So, if you get bogged down with “it’s hard”, it’s ok.  Why?  You’re not wrong.  It is hard.  But you can’t let hard define you, your life and certainly not your relationship with Christ.  All things that are worth it are hard.  

Love you all and see you Sunday,


Motivational Monday

Hey Friends!  How are you doing this rainy Monday?  Have you prayed today?  If not, stop right now and pray!  🙂  Okay, are you good now?  Perfect!  Today, I want to talk about something that I wish was talked about more.  Problem is, the person who would address the congregation is your pastor, right?  Well, that’s exactly who and what I want to talk about today.  The pastor.

As most of you know, I recently took on the position of secretary at our church.  Because I work an 8-5 job, I do the secretary duties after work and on the weekends.  So, I go to the church at odd times.  9 times out of 10, Scott is there.  It doesn’t matter when I go.  He is usually reading/studying for his sermon, writing, approving items within the church, attending meetings, going to hospitals/homes/funerals, being available when youth/Kreek Kids are meeting, etc.  He works alot.  And he works hard.  I can imagine being a pastor is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting at times (I can imagine being the wife of a pastor is exhausting as well).  So how can we as a congregation support the pastor?  Let’s talk about it.

First and absolute foremost, pray for him and his family.  Listen, your pastor and their family are just people.  They make mistakes.  They are met with the same struggles you are met with on a daily basis.  BUT, there is a WHOLE GROUP of people watching them.  We hold him to a higher standard because “he’s the pastor”.  1 Timothy 3:2 says, “Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober minded, self controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach”.  Does this end with, “and if you are all these things, you won’t struggle?”  I don’t see that.  Their hearts are just as heavy as yours.  Knowing they have a whole group of people praying for them has to bring them great joy and comfort.

Second, talk to him about his sermon!  I did a little research and on average, pastors spend 10-20 hours a week preparing for their sermon.  I’m sure that varies and yes, I’m sure they have some already written in the filing cabinet.  But, they DID write it at one point in time!  They still have to freshen it up and deliver it in a way we understand and can retain it.  So, talking to the pastor, asking questions, or thanking him is a way of letting him know you listened to his hard work.  His work didn’t go unnoticed and he made a difference to you.

Third, tell him how God is growing in you.  1 Thessalonians 3:6-7 is Paul’s response hearing from a previous congregation.  “But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and has brought us the good news of your faith and love and reported that you always remember us kindly and long to see us, as we long to see you- for this reason, brothers, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith.”  This report brought Paul great comfort and joy.  It gave him a new breath.  If it rejuvenated Paul.  It feels good to know something you work hard at inspires and grows people, right?  Take the time to tell your pastor.

Fourth, care for his wife.  As a female in the church, if I have a problem, I would be more inclined to talk to Linda.  Not because I can’t talk to Scott (because I do) but because she’s a female.  If I feel that way, I know others do.  So she deals with people’s issues just like the rest of us.  When she married her husband, she also signed up to not only be a wife and mother but to be “the pastor’s wife”.  She has the same struggles as you.  She’s a servant of Christ.  She’s a wife trying to honor her husband.   She’s a mother who gets discouraged and struggles.  She’s a church member…like you except not.  Am I right?  So take care of her because she’s the backbone of your pastor.

Lastly, follow his leadership.  If you go to a church where this is a struggle for you, then you are at the wrong church.  I know that might be a hot take but it’s the truth.  That doesn’t mean that the pastor is doing something wrong, it means YOU need to find a church you trust the leadership.  Why?  Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.  Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”  So you need to gladly accept their leadership.  

You know, I have always said being a pastor has to be a hard profession.  It’s not the preaching or the submission to God.  It’s the people.  It’s us.  It’s me.  It’s emotional, I’m sure.  That has to take a toll on them mentally and emotionally.  They carry your struggles, their families struggles and their own struggles.  And do all of this being held to a higher standard by God and by you.  That’s a lot.

So this week, thank your pastor and his wife.  Let them know what they mean to you.  Let your pastor know how he has impacted your life.  In your daily prayers, make sure to include him and his family because I know he prays for yours.

Love you all,


Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Hey friends!!  I hope your week last week was great and I hope this week is EVEN better.  This week’s motivation was inspired by events from yesterday.  🙂  In these motivations, I always talk about prayer.  Pastor Scott constantly preaches to pray.  But why?  What are the benefits?  So, you know the drill…let’s talk about it.

Y’all.  I need to be real for a minute.  I woke up crabby yesterday.  I was not in the best mood and I don’t know why.  I’m sure you have those days.  So, I decided I was going to skip church BUT I didn’t.  The whole way to church, I was irritable about a situation I made MUCH worse in my head because of my mood.  So, I just prayed about it on the way to church while listening to my christian station on Pandora.  Then, I get to church looking for something to bring me out of my funk.  Guess what?  Nope.  Still irritable.  

Later in the day, I had some other things I had to do and my mood got better but I was still down (you know…irritable down if that makes sense).  Then last night, I got a text message from Martha Fulgham.  For those of you who don’t know Martha, please come to church and meet her.  She is one of THE MOST genuine people you will ever meet.  ANYWAY, her text was something about church but it turned into us texting back and forth.  She literally changed my mood in that text exchange.  I knew right then that was God.  God sent her to lift my spirits.  THEN, Debbie Ingram sent a text!  Let me add, no one knew I was in a funk (and I don’t think it was noticeable).  Debbie’s text was to just check one me because she thought she heard I was sick.  Wow.  Thank you God.

These texts happened within minutes of each other and I felt so loved and appreciated.  It was overwhelming and these two ladies had no idea what their texts meant to me at that time.  I knew right then, we had to talk about this today!  I know God answered my morning and afternoon prayers.

We constantly preach prayer but let’s look at some benefits we might have trouble seeing.

Prayer can set or change the tone for the day

Listen, start your day thanking God you woke up and that He is there taking care of you today!  God has given you an abundance of blessings.  Sometimes we need to restore and repair our hearts.  A great way to start is with a gratitude prayer.

Prayer helps you make better decisions

Listen, when we stop and pray about a situation, it gives us a moment of calmness.  Calmness can bring clarity.  Clarity comes from God through prayer.  Ask God for clarity and guidance about situations you are struggling with at that moment.  

Daily prayer keeps God front and center everyday.  He is not just for Sundays

Fun fact, God wants you to seek Him all day everyday and not just on Sundays.  If you pray daily, you will see Him more in your everyday life.  If you lean on Him when you are hurting, you will feel his peace and comfort.  When you ask him for help, He will guide you.  But like anything else, you have to exercise this daily.  Not just weekly.  

Frequent communication builds a stronger bond

This is not a new concept, right?  The more you talk to a friend, the better friend they become.  Why?  Because your conversations get deeper and the quality gets better and better.  Then, you trust them with your feelings and emotions.  God is no different.

Daily prayer shows the discipline of submitting your heart to Him

Let go.  You HAVE to give it to Him.  You HAVE to.  I know, I know.  It’s hard because we like controlling situations.  But guess what?  You are never really in control.  You just feel like you are.  But guess who IS in control?  Yep…you guessed it!

Answered prayers are prayers prayed

I say this all the time but God knows you better than anyone.  He knows when you are struggling.  He’s waiting on you to ASK for help.  Jennifer.  If He knows I need help, why doesn’t He just help me?  Good question!  God wants your heart.  The only way to achieve that is through daily prayer.  So friends, if you are struggling, have yourself a little therapy session with God in the car like I did Sunday morning!

Opening your heart to Him transforms your heart

Prayers should not be robotic or transactional.  It would be hard to make a friend with someone who’s a robot, right?  Friendships are relationships.  God is not interested in quantity but quality.  He wants your heart.  Prayer allows Him to work in you.  He will transform your heart and bring you joy that you can’t find elsewhere.  So, stop looking for joy in the wrong places!

We say all the time, prayer is your main communication to God.  But prayer is so much more.  You don’t have to pray pretty either!  Trust me, I am a walking, talking truth bomb there.  I just talk to God.  He doesn’t care as long as you are genuine!

This week, practice daily prayer.  If you already pray daily (woohoo!), ask Him for help with any needs you have.  It’s ok to pray for you!  If you are good this week (awesome) ask Him to strengthen your relationship with Him.  You can never have a strong enough relationship with God.  And lastly, if you feel like God is telling you to send a random text to someone, just do it.  You never know when that person needs to hear from you…but God knows.

Love you all and see you next week,


Motivational Monday

July 8, 2024

Hey friends!!  Just want to check in with you and see how your week was last week.  I hope it is great but if it was less than that, don’t fret…we have this week.  🙂  It’s ok.  Sometimes we have to take it a day at a time.  Which is why I chose this week’s topic!  What does the Bible say about being nice to others?  As Christians, do we have to be nice all the time? 

If you have read these motivations for any length of time, you probably know me well by now.  I am christian who struggles daily; but, man do I love the Lord!!  And for the record, I work on my struggles daily.  I really do.  But earlier this week, I had to give myself a talkin’ to about being nice.  “Jennifer.  That was ugly.  Be nice.”  Truth be told, I think I gave myself that talk a couple times last week.   The main reason I told myself WHY I should be nice is because I’m christian.  And that’s when it hit me…Jesus wasn’t always “nice”.  Jesus was kind.  Oftentimes as Christians, we equate the two as biblical kindness.  But that isn’t true.  So…let’s talk about it!

So first, let’s talk about being nice.  The word “nice” is really generic.  I had an English teacher that would lower your grade by 10 points if you used the word “nice” in any paper that was turned into her.  If you look the word up in the dictionary the definition is, “pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory”.  So in my mind, being nice can sometimes be fake.  But, did you also know it comes from the Latin word nescius or nescience which means ignorant or ignorance.  Also, did you know that no major Bible translation contains the word, “nice”?  But I get it, sometimes, it’s easier to be “nice” than disagree with someone (notice I didn’t say argue).

Well, Jennifer, why is kindness so much different?  GLAD YOU ASKED!!

True biblical kindness is really deep.  It’s not topical or fake…ever.  True kindness can only be obtained through abiding in Christ.  If you look at a tree, you can’t have limbs without a trunk, right?  Your faith is the trunk.   Kindness is a branch.  You can’t have kindness without faith.  

Kindness isn’t always nice.  I know, this is confusing.  Listen, kindness is brave, fierce and daring.  It’s fearless and selfless.  It is not timid or frail.  Can you be those things and be “nice” all the time?  ABSOLUTELY not!  Being kind is telling others things they don’t want to hear.  

Let me give you an example.  You have a friend who can be emotional at times (you can insert any emotion in this scenario and it will work).  This friend, who is not married, is having an affair with a married person.  There’s a whole lot wrong here, right?  What do YOU do as their friend?  DO you listen and say, “Whatever, it’s their life”?  Do you say, “Well, they aren’t doing anything wrong because they aren’t married”?  Or do you KNOW it’s wrong but don’t say anything because they will blow up or cry?  Kindness is telling them they are wrong.  Kindness is pointing out why it’s wrong and how that doesn’t glorify God.  And guess what?  That conversation is NOT going to be fun but you did it.  And that makes you…kind.  Even if they don’t see it. But I promise, they heard you and they will think about what you said even if they disagree.

You know you better than anyone, right?  Even your spouse or best friend doesn’t know EVERYTHING about you.  You have had thoughts and feelings that you shouldn’t.  So, if you said and did everything you thought or felt, do you think people should show you absolute kindness?  Of course not!  That’s why we don’t act on all of our thoughts and feelings, right?  So, why is God kind to you?  You don’t have to act on those thoughts and feelings because He knows!  He knows your heart.  

This week, show kindness.  I promise there are so many ways you can do this on a daily basis.  You just have to look for it.  By showing someone kindness, you are displaying the love of Christ.  

I pray this week is a great week for all of you!

Love you all,


Motivational Monday- July 1, 2024

Hey friends!  How was your week last week?  This week HOPEFULLY will be a fun, safe week with the 4th on Thursday.  

Recently, it has weighed heavy on my heart to do a private bible study about being a servant.  I’ll be honest, I knew to serve but the word “servant” was catching me off guard a little.  This might sound silly, but I always reserved the word “servant” for those who are in leadership positions in the church; when in reality, I am (or should be) a servant.  So let’s talk about it!

Recently, I accepted the position of secretary for the church.  When I accepted this position, I wanted to make sure my heart was in the right place and I was adequately serving the Lord, the church leadership, church members, visitors, my family and myself.  So, I started a bible study on my own about being a servant.  I didn’t expect to learn as much as I have but it has been eye opening.  While doing my study, there are 5 traits that really stood out of a true servant.  

  1. Humility

Some people believe being a servant starts with an opportunity.  But if you aren’t humble, you wouldn’t recognize the opportunity.  Being humble is not something that can be taught nor is ti an acquired skill.  Humility is being honest with yourself and those around you.  It’s being teachable and allowing yourself to be vulnerable.  Humility is not thinking less of yourself or a sign of weakness.  

  1. Seeing Needs

A true servant sees true needs.  They are usually observant, compassionate, or have the ability to being open to allow people to share their needs.  When I am in Walmart, I will talk to people I’ve never met and before long, I know they have been in rehab!  People just tell me things.  Are you one of those people?  A true servant sees other people needs around you

  1. Compassion

Compassion is the ability to be moved by someone’s need or pain. Compassion is grounded in empathy and the ability to put yourself in their situation.  I think the classic role model for compassion is the Good Samaritan.  When Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan and robbery victim, he stated the Samaritan, “had compassion on him.”  He helped the victim by tending to his wounds and carrying him to a safe place.  Compassion leads to serving

  1. Courage

Man, if you have ever served then you know there are times it takes out of your comfort zone.  This could be physically, emotionally or mentally.  But a true servant pushes past the fear and uncomfortableness.  If you don’t push past it, it can cause you to ignore a need that is happening right in front of you!  Listen, self-protection is natural but there are times we have to set that to the side and help those who need us.  

  1. Sense of Responsibility

A true servant doesn’t feel responsible for someone’s pain.  But they do feel a sense of responsibility to alleviate their pain.  When you follow Christ, this sense of responsibility comes from obeying God.  In the Bible, we have time and again God has a soft spot for the poor and oppressed.  By serving, you are just an instrument that God is using to heal.

At Spring Creek, I am so honored to say we have SO MANY SERVANTS.  Truly.  There are so many things I love about our church but one of my top 3 is the genuineness of our people.  Everyone is ready to lend a helping hand if needed AND they do it without saying something under their breath!  They WANT to help each other.  I can’t tell you how many times I have been feeling down or just not myself, and someone will just ask, “You ok?”  I know that’s small but they noticed a need.

So this week, I am going to challenge you to examine your servant heart.  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  How can you use your strengths to help others?  Who can you lean on for your weaknesses?  

Love you all and see you next week,


Motivation Monday- June 24, 2024

Motivational Monday

Hey friends!!  How was your week last week?  Mine was hot, thanks for asking!  😂

I was driving home tonight trying to decide what to write about and the word “reset” came to mind.  What is a spiritual reset?  Is it a good thing?  Do you need to do this?  How do I do it?  Listen.  I got you!  So let’s talk about it.

The things we experience in life shape us.  It could be a very simple sweet gesture from a stranger to losing a loved one in an accident.  Unfortunately (but also fortunately), what has shaped me the most is negative life experiences.  And as you have read from these motivations, it is so important to respond like Jesus.  But if you live on the Earth with me, you know that can be difficult (there is no can be about it!  It’s hard!).  And when we struggle with our feelings, that is when we lose focus.

Resetting helps you refocus on the Lord.  A refocus on YOUR confidence in the Lord.  Resetting shapes your perspective and realizing you can’t work in your own strength.  A reset button= humility.  Why?  When you hit that button, you suddenly realize that your way of thinking and acting ain’t working out for you.  Your life is either getting out of control or you were there 3 years ago.  It’s ok…I am not going to judge you for hitting that reset button.  In fact, let me congratulate you because you are on step one of a reset.

Step 1: Recognize you need a reset

I realize this seems like a no brainer but if you have ever been in need of a reset, it takes a minute for you to realize it.  When you realize you need a reset, now you need to dig a little deeper.  Look at your ways of thinking or acting and determine what or who causes those feelings.  And this could be multiple issues and that’s ok!  If you go down the rabbit hole of roots though, you always find the strong tap root, right?  I would start there but…

Step 2: Ask God for help

What got you here in the first place is NOT relying on God for help.  If you skip this step, you are not resetting.  If you are someone who struggles with relying on God, this step might take you a minute.  It’s ok…we will wait because you CAN’T move on.  You need to go to God and humble yourself asking for help in reprioritizing your life and moving past people or actions.  God knows you.  He knows your struggle and He is ready to listen.  Pray continually and earnestly!

Step 3: Make a list of what you can control

Pinterest has a ton of graphics of things you can and can’t control if you need inspiration!  But seriously, by making a list, you can see where you can potentially make changes in your life.  This could be something as simple as avoiding a topic of conversation with an individual.  You don’t see eye to eye on a subject, so avoid it if possible!  If you can’t avoid it, then where can you discuss this topic without being inflammatory?  Clearly this is just a scenario but in every situation, you can make it better or worse by actions YOU control.

Step 4:  Thinking

This is personally my weakness.  My brain works nonstop and sometimes that’s not a good thing (a lot of times 👎).  Most times, your actions begin with a thought.  Even if we “act in the moment”, there was an emotion that led up to the moment.  For a reset, you need to identify patterns of thinking that you struggle with.  And guess what?  You need to really lean into Him.

Let’s go back to the scenario of disagreeing with someone over a certain topic.  Is there a reason you continually disagree with them?  Is this about THEM or YOU?  Why did the topic strike a nerve with you?  Ask Him to help you mentally process your circumstances.

Step 5: State you resetting!

State it and then do it!  Again, I know, no-brainer.  But how many times do we KNOW we need to do something but we don’t do it?  All the time!!  Like everything else in our lives, a rest is hard but the end results feel so good!  So declare you are no longer depending on your strength alone.  All of this reflecting and praying you have done to get to this point, is showing you you CAN rely on Him.  He never left you!  YOU mentally left Him.

Step 6: Adjust as needed

I would love to tell you that a reset will fix everything.  I don’t want to break your heart but it won’t because we are on this side of heaven!  But I can tell you it WILL get better with a reset.  Like anything else, you will have setbacks in resets.  Don’t give up or stop!  It’s all normal.  This is not a sign of weakness or failure.  This is all His plan.   If you completely fail at the reset, it’s cool!  Just do it again!  Jesus died for you so you can do it again and again and again.  Just don’t stop.

I think most of us in our life have hit the reset button.  We might not have known it at the time, but something brought us to our knees and we knew things had to change.  Been there and done that!  

This week reflect on if you need a reset in your life.  This could be a general reset to a pinpointed reset on a specific subject.  I cannot encourage you enough to stop what you are doing and work on that reset.  Giving your issues to God is the most freeing, weight lifting thing you can do for yourself.  And guess what?  It’s what HE wants you to do!  Win, win.

Love you all and see you all next week,


Motivational Monday- June 17, 2024

Hey Friends!!I hope everyone had a great week last week.  Man!  It is getting hot.  I hate to think how hot August is gearing up to be this year. 🥵

This week I want to talk about God’s silence.  We have talked in the past about silence.  Sometimes we ask God or an answer and there is silence.  And we know silence IS an answer.  But as humans, we can’t see the road ahead.  We don’t understand the lack of communication and we can pull away from Him because we are frustrated.  Today, I want to talk about how to connect with God during the silence.  So let’s talk about it!

Years ago, when Jon and I were just married we financially had it rough.  This isn’t uncommon but it seemed like we struggled more than our friends and family.  Neither of us had a college education at that point.  We had “good” jobs but they didn’t pay well.  Then, BAM!  I’m pregnant with Logan.  Wow.  Such a blessing but definitely not planned for that moment.  

Long story short, when Logan was a year old, we filed bankruptcy.  In order to keep the house and cars, we filed a Chapter 13 which means we paid it all back.  And we did!  But those times were ROUGH.  I remember our meal rotation for the week included hotdogs, ramen, spaghetti, etc.  Logan was on baby food and honestly ate nutritionally better than Jon and I.  I remember praying and praying for God to just help us.  I didn’t want to be rich.  I just wanted to pay all of the bills, and eat without working 2 jobs (which we did).  God was silent.  When prayers go unanswered, discouragement creeps in and waiting provokes doubt and questions.  Why can’t SOMETHING go our way?

Be honest how you feel

You know what I am going to say here.  But yes!  Pray!  Tell God how you feel!  Guess what?  He knows how you feel anyway.  So you might as well vent to Him and get it over with.  But second, tell a good spiritual friend.  I know some might shy away from this but everyone goes through something!  Most people can at least relate to you.  Trust me, calling a friend is vital when you feel the silence.

Believing God is a CHOICE not an EMOTION

Isn’t it easy to measure our spiritual condition by whether or not we feel close to God?  Listen, I KNOW better but I will still fall into this trap by relying on emotions to evaluate my spiritual connection.  Emotions are NOT an accurate gauge of your relationship with God.

Examine your heart without self-doubt

“God.  What have I done wrong?  Why are you giving me the silent treatment?  Are you mad at me?”  Sound familiar?  What do you do?  You start confessing any and all sins asking for forgiveness.  Hoping and praying that the silence will be “cured”.  Friends.  It doesn’t work that way.  Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”

Spiritual warfare!  INCOMING!!!

“Well I guess I did something to make God mad.  He’s not blessing me OR EVEN TALKING to me!  He doesn’t love me.  I’ve really messed up.  Since I don’t know what I did, I’m over it.”  Right there!  That’s a spiritual attack.  The enemy waits until you are vulnerable and he can be relentless with your thoughts and emotions.  He spreads lies and misinterpretations.  Be careful.

Which leads to…

Stand strong in your faith

Listen.  You got this.  The absolute BEST way to navigate silence is standing strong in your faith.  If you need help, pick up the Bible.  The word of God is a powerful weapon when there is spiritual warfare.

Trust God with your spiritual condition

So, here’s the thing.  YOU, my frond, is not in control of your spiritual condition.  God is.  God sets the pace for our spiritual growth.  Our role is to love, trust, obey and respond to God.  When God feels distant, you need to trust he has not stopped working.  He is more interested in that spiritual growth than you are!

God communicates various ways

Straight up friends…there are lots of times God IS communicating and we don’t hear or see it.  1 Corinthians 2:16, “God speaks in various ways including His Word, the church, circumstances, godly counsel and the mind of Christ within you.”  Have you ever been in church and you feel like Pastor Scott is talking to ONLY you?  Or you are on Facebook and a verse literally jumps off the page at you?  You know, that was probably not a coincidence.  

And lastly..

Believe God has a purpose for His silence

I am not going to begin to try to understand His silence because I’m sure it’s different with different scenarios.   But the underlying theme to His silence is usually a reason to continue to seek Him.  He wants your faith to grow but there are growing pains.  My advice here is to embrace the silence.  Sometimes when there are things going on in the background we don’t know about, there is nothing to say RIGHT NOW.  Be patient.

I can’t tell you the invaluable lessons Jon and I learned during our bankruptcy days.  I could go on for days about the lessons involving financial decisions, self doubt, self worth, the bond in our marriage, friends and family connections but most importantly God’s love.  Listen..we made it.  We paid everything back quicker than expected.  We always had a roof over our heads, food on the table and an over abundance of love.  These lessons have (hopefully) been passed down to Logan.

If you are going through a silent period, please don’t fret.  I cannot say this enough but God loves you more than you can fathom.  Silence is an answer and that’s ok.  Embrace it.  Seek Him.  If you have a friend who is struggling, be a good friend.  Don’t try to fix it!  Just listen.  Let them know you are there for them if they need you.  

Love you all and see you next week,


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