Tag: patience

Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  Thank you for letting me have an off week.  It was my birthday and Valentine’s week so it was a busy week.  One of the many reasons I love the month of February is because it is centered around love.  We talk about love a lot in these motivations but today I want to focus on christian love.  So, let’s talk about it.

Most of you know me in real life (unlike the internet one! 🙂).  In real life, I have (more than) a few tattoos.  I have the word “love” tattooed twice on me.  Once on my left ring finger (for my love, Jon) and the second is a bible verse.  1 Corinthians 16:14, “Let all that you do be done in love.”  I got this verse for many reasons.  But the first and foremost reason was to be able to witness to nonbelievers.   This verse speaks to me.  If everyone did everything in love, this world would be a great place.  I think even nonbelievers would agree, right?

Now, I love my husband.  I do.  But the easiest love is my son.  Sure, he gets on my nerves but in my mom mind, the love you have for your child is the closest you will ever experience to pure love.  It’s the closest love we can experience as  how our Father loves us.  Every person on Earth is a child of God whether they are a believer or not.  Our God created everything you see.  Look around…everything.  And He did this for YOU.  He did it for me.  He did it for all of us. YES!  Even those who hate Him.  AND, He gave us HIS only son.  Can you imagine allowing your child to use his life to pay for our salvation when we could care less about it?  I can’t either.  This love is agape love.  

Agape love is the desire to do good for others, even enemies, and is not based on feelings. If you are anything like me, it is hard to separate feelings from doing good.  I can’t tell you how many times I have to walk away to just think.  In my younger days, I erroneously just reacted.  I am definitely not perfect but I can tell you I have mellowed as I have gotten older.  This more mellow Jennifer usually allows the opportunity to consult with God and ask questions.  There are times I listen and there are times I don’t because I allow emotions to get in the way.  I say this all the time, it’s because I’m human.  Let me be clear when I say, that is no excuse for bad behavior.  It’s just important to know that’s how God made us.  Why did He make it hard on us?  I don’t know exactly (I’ll ask when I get to heaven) but I feel certain it was a way to constantly seek Him.

Then, there is unconditional love.  I think unconditional love and agape love are very similar but different.  Unconditional love is what I believe is the closest most of us come to agape love.  Let me sum up unconditional love.  Jesus.  Jesus helped.  Jesus loved.  BUT, Jesus also held people accountable.  Unconditional love doesn’t mean allowing people to live a sinful life without you calling them out.  It is your duty as a christian to tell them what they’re doing is wrong.  This isn’t being judgemental.  This is love.  Remember, be careful of your delivery.  When Jesus called people out, He did this with love and not hate.

And then, there is forgiving those who need to be forgiven.  As a friend, I am going to tell you some bad news.  People will hurt your feelings.  They may do it intentionally or unintentionally.  But when you are on the receiving end of that hurt, intentional or not, it hurts all the same.  It will be up to you on how you deal with that hurt.  As a byproduct of that hurt, it will shape you.  Will you become bitter and angry?  Or will you let go?  What I can tell you is God is there to help you through it.  And once you DO forgive, that is love.  To just put it in perspective, can you truly love someone who hurt you bad enough to not forgive them?  I know I couldn’t.  

Love is hard and complicated because we have feelings.  Love is an emotion that is hard to control.  Love is the backbone of who we are or who we want to be.  I used to say God tests us but I think God stretches us like a muscle.  When a muscle is used and stretched for the first time in a long time, it hurts.  It might hurt to use that muscle after it’s been worked but you still do it because you have to go about your day.  Hopefully, you have used that muscle enough to where you don’t injure yourself too bad and need surgery.  But with a little ice or a little heat, you are usually just fine.  God wants to be our day to day life.  He is our ice and heat.  And if it’s too bad, He’s the only surgeon I want.

Love you all (and I promise I do!!),


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  As I was thinking about what to write today, I was hit in the face with a subject idea (thanks to my best friend 🙂).  Judgement.  Who is supposed to pass judgment?  So let’s talk about it.

When I was younger, I used to judge others pretty harshly.  I honestly don’t know why because I never thought of myself as better than anyone else (truly).  I guess, in my mind, right is right and wrong is wrong.  As I have aged, I see there is a lot of gray in that black and white.  Maybe this is easier for me to see because I have my own past.  And in this past, I needed people to see my gray and not judge me.  But, here’s the funny part, I DID need them to judge me.  What I needed was grace, love and accountability.  And to hold someone accountable that involves judgement.  And those closest to me did and they helped change me (which I am forever grateful). 

Following Jesus is simple, but not easy.

Matthew 7:1 simply states, “Judge not, that you be not judged.”  That’s pretty direct, right?  But let’s look at the verses after that, “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:2-5.  

If you read Matthew 7:1 and nothing else, it seems pretty clear.  But when you keep reading, you realize Jesus tells listeners how to approach someone who is behaving poorly.  If you skip down to Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus says that we can discern the true character of people by observing the fruit they bear.  So, can we judge or not?  Because, as a Christian, I feel like I am in a trap.  If I judge someone, I’m a hypocrite but if I don’t then I am not spreading the true gospel.  Personal opinion here, but this feels like the devil is doing his work perfectly.  We are doubting ourselves and we are allowing Jesus’s own words to stop us.

Judging is looking at another person’s action in such a way that you are pronouncing guilt on them. But what if that person has told you they were guilty?  They are coming to you needing guidance. During his time on Earth, Jesus lived what he taught, and he regularly (and rather assertively) addressed people’s harmful choices. So it wouldn’t make sense for him to prohibit us from using discernment in our relationships or the world at large.  I believe when Jesus used the word “judge” he referred to condemning others or treating them with judgemental contempt.

Let’s go back to Matthew 7:3-5 above.  Jesus’ words suggest there is a time and place to speak up when you see a problem.  Like Jesus, we can call out wrongdoing in ways that do not condemn or diminish anyone else.  But notice that it isn’t until the final line of his metaphor that Jesus says anything about assessing another person’s behavior. The majority of his instruction is about the important first step of self-reflection.  This is where I used to fall off the wagon on the whole “judging others” thing.  My self reflection was TERRIBLE!!

Recognizing, acknowledging and addressing our own failures is a very humbling experience.  And if you have ever been in a situation where you are lost (mentally and spiritually) but you emerged on the other side…then you know.  You were humbled to your core.  From this place of honest humility, we are less likely ro judgmentally condemn or think less of others.

This week, as you are watching the news or listening to a friend/family, pay attention to your thoughts or words. Notice when judgement escapes.  Where is this coming from?  This is where self reflection comes into play.  Likewise, if a friend is telling you something that is wrong, then stand up and say something!  If they are your friend, they will appreciate you (maybe not right then but later 😂). It IS ok to hold people accountable for their sins.  Mine did.  They listened, loved me and showed me grace.  And because of this accountability and love, I chose to come out the other side.

Love you all,


aka just some girl trying to get in heaven


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  Listen…LISTEN!!  I live in Alabama because I don’t do cold.  Honestly, I don’t love hot weather but I’ll take it over cold.  It.is.cold!  Have y’all been outside today??!  What in the world?!  As my teeth were chattering in the car, I started thinking about what the weather would be like in heaven (because this is NOT heaven to me 🙂).  Once I started going down that path, I thought of a million other questions!  So let’s talk about it.

Every week with these Motivational Mondays, we always talk about praying, doing the right thing, loving the Lord, etc.  We do all of this to keep our eyes on the prize and that’s eternity in heaven.  Heaven isn’t the only prize in all of this but we are promised eternity with our Lord and Savior.  But have you ever thought about heaven?  Sure you have…we ALL have.  Now, I have never been but I hear the accommodations are phenomenal!  Like you never want to leave phenomenal, which is good because well, you are there to stay.  So today, I wanted to address a few common questions about heaven.

Before I start, I’ll be the first to admit that I DON’T have all the answers (and this applies to ALL Motivational Mondays).  I try to put personal feelings aside and look at things from a Biblical stance.  If I do state a personal feeling, I try to explain why I personally feel that way.  Because I have never been to heaven or have spoken to anyone personally who has been and came back, I am not sure I have all the accurate answers to questions but we can try.

Will we have bodies and live human lives?  When I envision heaven, I appear (in my head) as my physical appearance.  I envision seeing my loved ones and even my previous pets there.  I have always thought that we might look different (maybe we are our younger selves) but we know who each other are.  I think heaven is a place of pure beauty with lush green fields, waterfalls and produce galore (I don’t know if we will need to eat but maybe…?).  We will laugh with joy and be merry all the time.  And I believe this will involve all of those in heaven we love.  Why? We were/are created in God’s image.  God is creative (I mean, look out your window) and intelligent.  I would imagine heaven is a place that fulfills God’s original plan.

Will we still be ourselves with our memories of this life?  When Jesus died on the cross and he arose from the dead, Luke 24:36-40 says, “As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you!’ But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. And he said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.’ And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.”  Jesus didn’t turn into anyone else.  He was Jesus.  And Jesus remembered what happened to him because he showed his hands and feet.  To be fair, when he arose and spoke, he wasn’t in heaven.  Isaiah 65:17 says, “‘For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.’”

I genuinely hope I am me when I get heaven and I hope I remember the good in this life.  I am sure I will be the best version of me which is sinless.  Based on the above scriptures, I am inclined to believe we will be ourselves with possibly some memory.

Will there be animals and will past pets be there?  Okay friends, if you know ANYTHING about me at all, it’s that I am a HUGE animal lover.  I love all animals.  I am sure that one day when I die, I will be trying to pet something that will eat me.  I pray for animals almost as much as I pray for humans.  So before answering this question, I felt the need to be 100%transparent.

As you know from reading scripture, the Bible is full of references of animals.  The Bible is clear about how important animals are to us.  God didn’t put them on earth because they are cute (but they are cute!)  Animals are the second most important inhabitants on the planet.  So what about heaven?  Isaiah 65:25 says, “‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox,and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain,’says the Lord.”  When the Lord said this he was referring to the new heavens and a new earth.  I think this shows that we will cohabitate with animals.  Maybe in heaven, I can pet all the animals without fear of being eaten!

So for our past pets to be there…I don’t know.  There is nothing I can point to in the Bible to say, “This!  This is it right here!”  What I can say (personal feeling here), is God knew all my animals would be my pet.  He knows the great joy they bring me and because he is mighty and loving God, it would be just like him to have our animals waiting on us.  At least, that is my hope.  But again, I am biased when it comes to animals.

As stated earlier, I don’t have all the answers about heaven.  But I can’t imagine a heaven where love isn’t first and foremost.  I mean the Lord is there for us to love.  He will be right.there.  So, if we love things here on earth that were created by him and were “good”, I can’t imagine it not being a part of heaven.  That’s our love for each other, our love to help one another, our love for beautiful natural things, and our love (and/or appreciation) of animals.  I don’t want to leave this earth until my service here is done.  But, BUT!  I can’t wait to see heaven!  I can’t wait to see what is in store for me.  And I can’t wait to see all of you there where we can worship the Lord together, eternally.

Love you all,


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  So here we sit…7 days after Christmas and just like that!  It’s New Year’s.  Every year about this time, I always like to sit and ponder what my personal goals are for the upcoming year.  Of course, I know myself better than anyone.  So my goals have to be realistic or they will never stick.  I try very hard to listen to the Lord and determine what I need to focus on for the upcoming year.  So far, I am struggling!  So, is it necessary to set goals as a christian?  Let’s talk about it!

I know a lot of people talk about “resolutions”.  Listen, I let that term leave my vocabulary (in regards to me personally) years ago.  You see, a resolution is a “firm decision to do or not to do something”.  I can’t make a firm decision on dinner and you want me to decide for the year??!  This is why I had to go BACK to college because I couldn’t decide firmly on what I wanted to be when I grew up!  But a goal…I can work with a goal.  My goal is to cook dinner for my family and eat.  Bam!  I got that.  See the difference in my brain.  🙂  It’s what works for me.

My goals have become more and more Christ centered over the years.  I know!  It should ALWAYS be Christ centered.  But again, as I grow in my faith, my goals change to be Christ centered.  But as a christian, do I need to make a goal for the upcoming year?

Yes and no.  To be very black and white, the Scripture doesn’t say anything about goals at the end of one year and the beginning of another.  But what Scripture does say is: contemplate our lives and commit them to the Lord (Prov 16:9). We are told to set our minds on things above (Col. 3:2) and to put our immoralities to death (Col. 3:5) while pursuing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col. 3:12).  I like there is  no specific date because it goes to show you can do these at ANY time.  Not just this time of year.  

You know I like to keep these real, right?  80% of us who set well intended goals, will not see them past Valentine’s Day.  I would love to tell you why this is but for me, I overestimate what I can accomplish.  Of course, we have different levels of busyness.  So, I try to create a focus for the year.  Of course, my eyes are always set on the Lord.  But I try to reflect on what I accomplished in 2024 and then decide what I need to work on for 2025.  This year, for me, is being more intent with my time with the Lord.  I need to set aside a set time for Him and not be all willy nilly with my time with/for Him.

When you set this goal, understand that you don’t need to know what the future holds.  These goals help us face the future. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.  These two verses tell us to trust Him, acknowledge Him and follow His plans.  When you break it down like that it sounds easy doesn’t it?  I know, I know!  It’s not quite that easy but that’s why we set spiritual goals.  To get better in areas we need to work on!

I am not going to assign you homework or give you a takeaway this week. I think that is on you.  I pray that your walk with the Lord will grow this year.  

Love you all and see you next year,


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  A few more days until Christmas is here!!  By now, HOPEFULLY your stress level is down and you are pumped to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  I know I am.  I can’t wait to sit back, drink my coffee and watch the fam open their gifts.

Yesterday, we spent Christmas with Jon’s side of the family for the first time since COVID.  There are a lot of reasons why we haven’t seen each other, but at the end of the day, it was easier to not get together at this time of year (we all have to drive to a central location to see each other).  This year, Jon said, “Nope.  We are getting together!”  So we did.  And it was so nice!  It was low key, easy, full of laughter and love.  Jon, Logan and I realized how much we missed them and just how much we love them!  We always loved them but you know the saying…absence makes the heart grow fonder.

This got me thinking about the season.  For most of us, this season is about love.  But what about those who are hurting?  I can see where some find this time of year as the most loveless time of year.  Where do you find love in the middle of this season where everyone is happy?  Let’s talk about it.

No matter how you feel about the Christmas season, God’s Word gives us reason to rejoice when we consider the meaning behind this holiday.  Scripture tells us that God loved ALL of us (yes, He loves those who don’t love Him) so much that he sent His only Son to save us.  Clearly this was the plan all throughout history because it was prophesied MANY times throughout the Old Testament.  When Jesus was born, the path was always to the cross where He would die to save us.  If that doesn’t define love, let me give you a few other reasons.  🙂

God is love.  If you are not familiar with God defining love, this statement might be confusing.  The Bible tells us that God is perfect.  He is patient, good and righteous.  He is not loving…he is love.  The miracle of Christmas is from the great love He has for us.  “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”  1 John 4:16.  

To show us, Jesus came to show us God’s love.  We all are separated from God by sin because only He is perfect.  We couldn’t fix our relationship with Him because it wasn’t possible and He knew it.  He knew He had to intervene by sending Jesus.  This was the only way we could receive salvation.  Christmas is the time of year we remember Jesus’s arrival.  “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8

Because of Jesus, we can show God’s love to others.  As we have talked in previous weeks, it’s easy to get caught up in the gift giving aspect.  But what this time of year should tell us is to love others as God has loved us.  We need to be ready to love those who feel alone or discouraged.  It’s the time of year where we encourage others to experience the gift we all received from God.  “We love because he first loved us.”1 John 4:19

Lastly, God’s love is eternal.  This season, if you are hurting, it is most likely over rejection, bitterness or heartbreak.  God will never let you down.  He will never break a promise, lessen His love or let you go.  God gave us Jesus which is HUGE.  Do you think if someone gave you their only Son would revoke their love from you?  Nope.  THIS is something we can all rejoice in this Christmas and all throughout the year!  “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:13

So friends, this holiday season, remember those who need extra love.  I know some say they don’t want or need love, but you know they are hurting.  If you feel like you can’t show them love by inviting them over or giving them a meal, then just pray for them.  You don’t have to tell them OR maybe you do want to tell them.  If you are someone who is hurting this season and you need/want to feel God’s love, please come to our service tomorrow night at 6pm.  It’s always short and we don’t care what you wear!  What I can promise you is people will be smiling and happy.  We will introduce ourselves but we won’t be annoying, I promise!  If you want to sit next to me, I always sit on the right side as you walk in.  I am a little more than halfway up and I sit on the vent.  🙂  It’s my unofficial assigned seat.  No matter what, please come and feel His love this season.  

Merry Christmas,


Motivational Monday

Hey Friends!  IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!  December!  Christmas!  THE CANTATA!!!  WOOHOO!  Seriously, the Cantata is THIS SUNDAY.  Listen, we might be a small church but the Cantata sure is mighty.  Amy, the choir, those playing instruments, and guys in the sound booth do such a great job every.single.year.  Please go if you have never been.  Please go if you have been!

When I first mentioned December and Christmas, what was your response?  Were you happy, sad, or stressed?  I want to go down the stressed road today.  Why are you stressed?  I am going to go out on a limb and say it’s finances.  Am I right?  Let’s talk about it.

When Jon and I got married, we were broke.  And when I say broke, we were broke.  And then BAM!  I got pregnant with Logan.  God planned him perfectly but Jon and I were not prepared.  So after a year of daycare, diapers, formula and all of our other bills that we couldn’t afford, we were bankrupt.  Literally.  The house was in foreclosure.  The cars were getting repo’d.  It was bad.  We had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.  

We wanted to keep everything we had (because we couldn’t afford NOT to).  So we filed a chapter 13 which means we had to pay it all back within 5 years.  And guess what?  We paid it back in 3 years!  But there were a million tears shed.  Lots of hours worked.  And we became a connoisseur of hotdogs.  😏  

When Christmas rolled around during those years, my stomach would hurt because of stress.  I wasn’t worried about Jon and I.  I mean we knew our situation and we just dealt with it.  But Logan.  We loved that little boy more than ANYTHING and we wanted to give him the world (still do).  We never wanted him to know we were struggling.  So it was a facade.  I was so thankful for our families picking up any pieces we fell short on when it came to gift giving.  We got through it.  Logan was not impacted negatively.  And we are better financial stewards because of this time.  So I wouldn’t change it.

So why do we give gifts at Christmas?  I mean hello!  It’s not our birthday, it’s Jesus’s birthday.  And the last I checked, I don’t get gifts on my husband’s birthday.  

I think what is important to remember when giving gifts is the meaning behind it.  2 Corinthians 9:15 says, “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”  he wasn’t talking about that Bath and Body Works set you were eyeing.  He’s talking about His son.  The very essence of Christmas is about generosity, kindness, grace and giving.  God gives God for the enjoyment of his people, whom he saves by giving his Son to suffer. That’s beautiful. It is the heart of Christmas.

Second, we give to Christ.  Now, I want to be clear here.  God does not want you to buy anything.  I mean, he has zero use for a Lowes gift card.  He’s not interested in you trading anything with Him.  Seriously, He gave you His son.  You can’t compete with that (and He doesn’t want you to!).  But what He does want…your time.  Commitment from you.  Yes, I know it’s hard and there are a million reasons why “you can’t today”.  But stop and think about what gift would be equal to what He did for you.  I’ll wait.  Spoiler alert!  There’s not one.  You can make time for Him.

Lastly, we need to give in the right mindset.  2 Corinthians 8:2, “for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.”  One more…Hebrews 13:16, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”  When giving gifts, you need to do it in the mindset of giving back to Christ.  That is the gift of trust, hope, admiration, joy and affection.  

So, if you are worried about gift giving at Christmas, please hear me when I say, STOP.  I promise God did not give you His son for you to worry about gifts.  Christmas is truly not about financial hardship.  Your children will love you if you can’t afford that XBox.  And if you can’t afford it, that doesn’t make you less of a parent.  And it sure doesn’t mean you love them less.  

So, if you are someone feeling this stress, please pray.  I would pray specifically for peace, love and joy in your life and for your family.  If you are someone who is more fortunate, remember you are blessed.  Your generosity can positively impact someone’s life forever.  Can you remember a time someone was generous to you?  You have never forgotten it or how it made you feel.  That feeling needs to be shared because it gushes love, joy, trust, and hope…like God.  Like what Christmas should be.

Love you all, 


Motivational Monday

As always, it is so good to see you here whatever day it is for you!  Tomorrow is a pretty big day so I would be amiss if we didn’t talk about it.  The election.  So, without further ado, let’s talk about it.

This Motivational Monday is posted later tonight because I have rewritten it several times.  Tomorrow, I know who I am going to vote for and I back them quite a bit.  Am I 100% happy with them as a person?  Or am I 100% happy with all of their policies?  The answer to both of those questions is no…for me.  I try to approach all things from a christian perspective.  In fact, this is probably the first time I have ever prayed for the best candidate to win (and I really meant it!).  There have been times I have prayed that prayer but obviously wanted MY candidate to win.

By praying for the best candidate to win, am I voting for the least bad option?

I am, personally, extremely happy that I am not running for political office because Lord knows, I am not perfect.  And I have lived a little in my 44 years on this Earth.  🙂  I am a Christian and I am not perfect.  Just like your candidate you will be voting for tomorrow (Romans 3:10).  So to answer the question…yes.  You are voting for the least bad option because you live in a fallen world!  But that’s where discernment comes into play.

The Bible teaches us about leadership.  Exodus is an excellent source.  Exodus 18:21 reveals that one of the most important qualities of leadership is competency.  We need a leader who will uphold justice with written policies that align with our christian morals and values.  In fact, Exodus tells us this leader should have good character and support godly policies.  

This is where I struggled.  No one is perfect.  Everyone sins.  Yet, I need to vote for someone with good character and support godly policies.  That sounds like they need to be as close to sinless as humanly possible.  Friends, this is where you weigh competency and morals.  Political support and moral approval are two very different things.  A question that helps me weigh the candidates is will your candidate reflect biblical values in their political decisions?

Life is not black and white.  In fact, I think we live in a constant state of gray.  That’s why it’s hard.  Because we live in gray, most cannot back a candidate 100% and we struggle.  But when weighing the candidates, they are vastly different (I know we are talking about the presidential election tomorrow but in all elections, they are ALWAYS vastly different).

I would bet 99.9% of you know who are, will or would be voting for tomorrow.  I personally believe it is our worldly and godly civic duty to vote.  Yes, I said godly.  Here are some verses to help understand the significance of voting from the Bible: Deuteronomy 1:13, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 29:2 and 1 Timothy 2:1-2.  I am going to encourage you all to reflect on what is most important to you in your next worldly leader.  Pray about it and read His word and then vote.

I hope to see you at the poll.

Love you all,


Motivational Monday

Hey friends!  I am so glad you are all here reading this today (whatever day you are reading it).  I appreciate you being here.  Today was an easy topic for me.  I think most of you know I get inspiration from my own life, friends, family and coworkers.  Well today, it’s about me. 😂 Hard decisions.  They are zero fun.  Especially making hard decisions in the light of God’s will.  So, let’s talk about it.

Over the last several nights, I have not slept well.  I am sure you have all been there, right?  You know you have to do something unpleasant and it keeps you up.  These decisions can be life threatening or life changing.  And sometimes, these decisions are not necessarily life changing for you but for someone else.  And honestly, I don’t like being a person that changes someone’s course in their life.  In fact, I think I do better mentally when I am the only one affected!

So how can we make tough decisions in the light of God’s will?

First, pray.  I know we talk about praying every single week.  But it IS JUST that important.  But when you are awake at 3am stressed about the next day, THIS IS THE EXACT TIME to have a conversation with God.  I pray until I fall back asleep.  And I ask Him for peace and comfort and to allow me to sleep.  You see, I believe we are put in these situations to draw us closer to God.  He knows, but we don’t.  He wants us to make decisions that are according to His word and will.  By doing this, we glorify and magnify Him in our own lives.

Second, get your heart right.  This one can be a tough one for me.  When making a tough decision, many people want it their way and not God’s way.  To be fair, I don’t think people go into decision making as “against God”.  I think we are all somewhat selfish.  Even when we do look to Him for help, sometimes we look for “signs: or “feelings”.  But we have to be careful not to bend those feelings towards our preference.  The best thing is ALWAYS God’s will.  

Speaking of feelings, those can be deceptive.  The longer we walk with God the better we are discerning His voice (the ladies bible study on Wednesday nights are studying about this exact thing!).  The easiest thing is not to base a decision on your feelings.  In fact, try to see past it.  One thing I can say for certain.  If your feeling is against the Word of God, I assure you that is NOT God’s will.  

Lastly, ask others to pray for you.  Again, this can be a tough one for me.  I don’t want to be a bother or draw negative attention to me.  And this is my thought process when I ask for prayers…which is so silly!  Why?  When others ask me to pray for them, I don’t think twice about it!  I don’t think they are bother at all!  You see, being a part of the body Christ means we have an army of prayer partners.  Your brothers and sisters don’t need to sit idle when you need them.  They love you and want what is best for you!  And what is best, is God’s will.

I am at a point in my life that I do thank God for His wisdom.  And, I know I receive His wisdom in times like this.  Life is full of decisions daily.  Some good.  Some are not so good.  I pray everyday that God will show me the right way when I have to make decisions on the spot. 

Hopefully this week, you don’t have to make a tough decision!  But if you do, I challenge you to sit back, read His word, pray and listen.  But making sure when you listen that you discern HIS voice and not your own.  I know I am telling you all these things but the reality is…I needed reminding.  And I thank you for being here to remind me.

Love you all,



Motivational Monday- June 17, 2024

Hey Friends!!I hope everyone had a great week last week.  Man!  It is getting hot.  I hate to think how hot August is gearing up to be this year. 🥵

This week I want to talk about God’s silence.  We have talked in the past about silence.  Sometimes we ask God or an answer and there is silence.  And we know silence IS an answer.  But as humans, we can’t see the road ahead.  We don’t understand the lack of communication and we can pull away from Him because we are frustrated.  Today, I want to talk about how to connect with God during the silence.  So let’s talk about it!

Years ago, when Jon and I were just married we financially had it rough.  This isn’t uncommon but it seemed like we struggled more than our friends and family.  Neither of us had a college education at that point.  We had “good” jobs but they didn’t pay well.  Then, BAM!  I’m pregnant with Logan.  Wow.  Such a blessing but definitely not planned for that moment.  

Long story short, when Logan was a year old, we filed bankruptcy.  In order to keep the house and cars, we filed a Chapter 13 which means we paid it all back.  And we did!  But those times were ROUGH.  I remember our meal rotation for the week included hotdogs, ramen, spaghetti, etc.  Logan was on baby food and honestly ate nutritionally better than Jon and I.  I remember praying and praying for God to just help us.  I didn’t want to be rich.  I just wanted to pay all of the bills, and eat without working 2 jobs (which we did).  God was silent.  When prayers go unanswered, discouragement creeps in and waiting provokes doubt and questions.  Why can’t SOMETHING go our way?

Be honest how you feel

You know what I am going to say here.  But yes!  Pray!  Tell God how you feel!  Guess what?  He knows how you feel anyway.  So you might as well vent to Him and get it over with.  But second, tell a good spiritual friend.  I know some might shy away from this but everyone goes through something!  Most people can at least relate to you.  Trust me, calling a friend is vital when you feel the silence.

Believing God is a CHOICE not an EMOTION

Isn’t it easy to measure our spiritual condition by whether or not we feel close to God?  Listen, I KNOW better but I will still fall into this trap by relying on emotions to evaluate my spiritual connection.  Emotions are NOT an accurate gauge of your relationship with God.

Examine your heart without self-doubt

“God.  What have I done wrong?  Why are you giving me the silent treatment?  Are you mad at me?”  Sound familiar?  What do you do?  You start confessing any and all sins asking for forgiveness.  Hoping and praying that the silence will be “cured”.  Friends.  It doesn’t work that way.  Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”

Spiritual warfare!  INCOMING!!!

“Well I guess I did something to make God mad.  He’s not blessing me OR EVEN TALKING to me!  He doesn’t love me.  I’ve really messed up.  Since I don’t know what I did, I’m over it.”  Right there!  That’s a spiritual attack.  The enemy waits until you are vulnerable and he can be relentless with your thoughts and emotions.  He spreads lies and misinterpretations.  Be careful.

Which leads to…

Stand strong in your faith

Listen.  You got this.  The absolute BEST way to navigate silence is standing strong in your faith.  If you need help, pick up the Bible.  The word of God is a powerful weapon when there is spiritual warfare.

Trust God with your spiritual condition

So, here’s the thing.  YOU, my frond, is not in control of your spiritual condition.  God is.  God sets the pace for our spiritual growth.  Our role is to love, trust, obey and respond to God.  When God feels distant, you need to trust he has not stopped working.  He is more interested in that spiritual growth than you are!

God communicates various ways

Straight up friends…there are lots of times God IS communicating and we don’t hear or see it.  1 Corinthians 2:16, “God speaks in various ways including His Word, the church, circumstances, godly counsel and the mind of Christ within you.”  Have you ever been in church and you feel like Pastor Scott is talking to ONLY you?  Or you are on Facebook and a verse literally jumps off the page at you?  You know, that was probably not a coincidence.  

And lastly..

Believe God has a purpose for His silence

I am not going to begin to try to understand His silence because I’m sure it’s different with different scenarios.   But the underlying theme to His silence is usually a reason to continue to seek Him.  He wants your faith to grow but there are growing pains.  My advice here is to embrace the silence.  Sometimes when there are things going on in the background we don’t know about, there is nothing to say RIGHT NOW.  Be patient.

I can’t tell you the invaluable lessons Jon and I learned during our bankruptcy days.  I could go on for days about the lessons involving financial decisions, self doubt, self worth, the bond in our marriage, friends and family connections but most importantly God’s love.  Listen..we made it.  We paid everything back quicker than expected.  We always had a roof over our heads, food on the table and an over abundance of love.  These lessons have (hopefully) been passed down to Logan.

If you are going through a silent period, please don’t fret.  I cannot say this enough but God loves you more than you can fathom.  Silence is an answer and that’s ok.  Embrace it.  Seek Him.  If you have a friend who is struggling, be a good friend.  Don’t try to fix it!  Just listen.  Let them know you are there for them if they need you.  

Love you all and see you next week,


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