Motivational Monday

Hey friends!!  How was your week last week?  Mine was hot, thanks for asking!  😂

I was driving home tonight trying to decide what to write about and the word “reset” came to mind.  What is a spiritual reset?  Is it a good thing?  Do you need to do this?  How do I do it?  Listen.  I got you!  So let’s talk about it.

The things we experience in life shape us.  It could be a very simple sweet gesture from a stranger to losing a loved one in an accident.  Unfortunately (but also fortunately), what has shaped me the most is negative life experiences.  And as you have read from these motivations, it is so important to respond like Jesus.  But if you live on the Earth with me, you know that can be difficult (there is no can be about it!  It’s hard!).  And when we struggle with our feelings, that is when we lose focus.

Resetting helps you refocus on the Lord.  A refocus on YOUR confidence in the Lord.  Resetting shapes your perspective and realizing you can’t work in your own strength.  A reset button= humility.  Why?  When you hit that button, you suddenly realize that your way of thinking and acting ain’t working out for you.  Your life is either getting out of control or you were there 3 years ago.  It’s ok…I am not going to judge you for hitting that reset button.  In fact, let me congratulate you because you are on step one of a reset.

Step 1: Recognize you need a reset

I realize this seems like a no brainer but if you have ever been in need of a reset, it takes a minute for you to realize it.  When you realize you need a reset, now you need to dig a little deeper.  Look at your ways of thinking or acting and determine what or who causes those feelings.  And this could be multiple issues and that’s ok!  If you go down the rabbit hole of roots though, you always find the strong tap root, right?  I would start there but…

Step 2: Ask God for help

What got you here in the first place is NOT relying on God for help.  If you skip this step, you are not resetting.  If you are someone who struggles with relying on God, this step might take you a minute.  It’s ok…we will wait because you CAN’T move on.  You need to go to God and humble yourself asking for help in reprioritizing your life and moving past people or actions.  God knows you.  He knows your struggle and He is ready to listen.  Pray continually and earnestly!

Step 3: Make a list of what you can control

Pinterest has a ton of graphics of things you can and can’t control if you need inspiration!  But seriously, by making a list, you can see where you can potentially make changes in your life.  This could be something as simple as avoiding a topic of conversation with an individual.  You don’t see eye to eye on a subject, so avoid it if possible!  If you can’t avoid it, then where can you discuss this topic without being inflammatory?  Clearly this is just a scenario but in every situation, you can make it better or worse by actions YOU control.

Step 4:  Thinking

This is personally my weakness.  My brain works nonstop and sometimes that’s not a good thing (a lot of times 👎).  Most times, your actions begin with a thought.  Even if we “act in the moment”, there was an emotion that led up to the moment.  For a reset, you need to identify patterns of thinking that you struggle with.  And guess what?  You need to really lean into Him.

Let’s go back to the scenario of disagreeing with someone over a certain topic.  Is there a reason you continually disagree with them?  Is this about THEM or YOU?  Why did the topic strike a nerve with you?  Ask Him to help you mentally process your circumstances.

Step 5: State you resetting!

State it and then do it!  Again, I know, no-brainer.  But how many times do we KNOW we need to do something but we don’t do it?  All the time!!  Like everything else in our lives, a rest is hard but the end results feel so good!  So declare you are no longer depending on your strength alone.  All of this reflecting and praying you have done to get to this point, is showing you you CAN rely on Him.  He never left you!  YOU mentally left Him.

Step 6: Adjust as needed

I would love to tell you that a reset will fix everything.  I don’t want to break your heart but it won’t because we are on this side of heaven!  But I can tell you it WILL get better with a reset.  Like anything else, you will have setbacks in resets.  Don’t give up or stop!  It’s all normal.  This is not a sign of weakness or failure.  This is all His plan.   If you completely fail at the reset, it’s cool!  Just do it again!  Jesus died for you so you can do it again and again and again.  Just don’t stop.

I think most of us in our life have hit the reset button.  We might not have known it at the time, but something brought us to our knees and we knew things had to change.  Been there and done that!  

This week reflect on if you need a reset in your life.  This could be a general reset to a pinpointed reset on a specific subject.  I cannot encourage you enough to stop what you are doing and work on that reset.  Giving your issues to God is the most freeing, weight lifting thing you can do for yourself.  And guess what?  It’s what HE wants you to do!  Win, win.

Love you all and see you all next week,
