July 8, 2024
Hey friends!! Just want to check in with you and see how your week was last week. I hope it is great but if it was less than that, don’t fret…we have this week. 🙂 It’s ok. Sometimes we have to take it a day at a time. Which is why I chose this week’s topic! What does the Bible say about being nice to others? As Christians, do we have to be nice all the time?
If you have read these motivations for any length of time, you probably know me well by now. I am christian who struggles daily; but, man do I love the Lord!! And for the record, I work on my struggles daily. I really do. But earlier this week, I had to give myself a talkin’ to about being nice. “Jennifer. That was ugly. Be nice.” Truth be told, I think I gave myself that talk a couple times last week. The main reason I told myself WHY I should be nice is because I’m christian. And that’s when it hit me…Jesus wasn’t always “nice”. Jesus was kind. Oftentimes as Christians, we equate the two as biblical kindness. But that isn’t true. So…let’s talk about it!
So first, let’s talk about being nice. The word “nice” is really generic. I had an English teacher that would lower your grade by 10 points if you used the word “nice” in any paper that was turned into her. If you look the word up in the dictionary the definition is, “pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory”. So in my mind, being nice can sometimes be fake. But, did you also know it comes from the Latin word nescius or nescience which means ignorant or ignorance. Also, did you know that no major Bible translation contains the word, “nice”? But I get it, sometimes, it’s easier to be “nice” than disagree with someone (notice I didn’t say argue).
Well, Jennifer, why is kindness so much different? GLAD YOU ASKED!!
True biblical kindness is really deep. It’s not topical or fake…ever. True kindness can only be obtained through abiding in Christ. If you look at a tree, you can’t have limbs without a trunk, right? Your faith is the trunk. Kindness is a branch. You can’t have kindness without faith.
Kindness isn’t always nice. I know, this is confusing. Listen, kindness is brave, fierce and daring. It’s fearless and selfless. It is not timid or frail. Can you be those things and be “nice” all the time? ABSOLUTELY not! Being kind is telling others things they don’t want to hear.
Let me give you an example. You have a friend who can be emotional at times (you can insert any emotion in this scenario and it will work). This friend, who is not married, is having an affair with a married person. There’s a whole lot wrong here, right? What do YOU do as their friend? DO you listen and say, “Whatever, it’s their life”? Do you say, “Well, they aren’t doing anything wrong because they aren’t married”? Or do you KNOW it’s wrong but don’t say anything because they will blow up or cry? Kindness is telling them they are wrong. Kindness is pointing out why it’s wrong and how that doesn’t glorify God. And guess what? That conversation is NOT going to be fun but you did it. And that makes you…kind. Even if they don’t see it. But I promise, they heard you and they will think about what you said even if they disagree.
You know you better than anyone, right? Even your spouse or best friend doesn’t know EVERYTHING about you. You have had thoughts and feelings that you shouldn’t. So, if you said and did everything you thought or felt, do you think people should show you absolute kindness? Of course not! That’s why we don’t act on all of our thoughts and feelings, right? So, why is God kind to you? You don’t have to act on those thoughts and feelings because He knows! He knows your heart.
This week, show kindness. I promise there are so many ways you can do this on a daily basis. You just have to look for it. By showing someone kindness, you are displaying the love of Christ.
I pray this week is a great week for all of you!
Love you all,