Hey friends!  How was your week?  Before we get started, I wanted to throw something out there.  We have a Men’s and Women’s Bible Study that meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month (due to the holidays this month, we are only meeting this Wednesday).  Listen, I can only speak for the women, but this is a really good Bible Study.  This study flows in a way that you can join anytime and you won’t be lost.  And even if you do get lost, that’s ok.  Sit by me where we can be lost together.  The men seem to have a good time because we can hear them laughing next door.  So, please come.  We would love to have new people to add spice.

How many of you are planners?  If something doesn’t go “right”, how do you react?  Well, let’s talk about it.

Years ago, Jon and I wanted a bigger house/yard for us but mainly for Logan.  We lived in a little townhome and it was a great starter home but Lo had nowhere to really run.  So, when the time was right, we put it on the market.  It had a contract in a week.  So, we were in crunch time to find a house.  We looked at several and put an offer on a house.  This house had everything I wanted BUT…I’ll be honest, I really didn’t like it.  In fact, we called that house the “Pizza Hut House” because it was shaped like an old Pizza Hut!  But I settled.  We negotiated back and forth and we could never agree on a price.  So, we walked away.  And then, we went on vacation!!  Talk about stress.

While on vacation, I was searching the internet for a house and NOTHING.  Finally, I just prayed and asked the Lord for help.  I ended the prayer with, “I’ll figure it out when I get home but I want to enjoy this vacation.”  The next morning, I got an email of a new listing.  I loved this house.  It was cheaper than the first one and it had a bigger yard.  It had everything we wanted.  We sent our real estate agent over to check it out and she loved it for us.  We put a contract on it and we had never actually seen it in person!  I felt like it was meant to be.  Well, 11 years have passed and we are still in that house and we don’t have any plans to move.

You know, some people believe that when you are Christian, everything in life is easy and things just naturally go your way.  I have been a Christian for a long time and I can assure you, that is NOT the case.  In fact, some of my biggest challenges in life have been when I chose to follow God’s way instead of the world’s.  It is so easy to choose the path where you will be socially accepted versus stares, eye rolls, or huffs and puffs (you might get all three!).

Over the last several years, when my emotions get high, I do seek the Lord in prayer.   But this was a learned behavior that literally took decades for me to do.  So, if this is not your first response, know you are not alone.  When my heart is pounding out of my chest with emotion, I will quickly say, “Lord, help me.”  That’s my whole prayer.  Why?  Well, at that single moment, I have something going on and I can’t have a long, drawn out prayer!  😂  But He knows what I need.  He knows what I need when I DON’T KNOW what I need!  Luke 5:15-16, “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”  Sinless Jesus used the same tools we have today!  If it was good enough for Jesus, surely you will benefit too, right?

Lastly, let it go.  Yep, like the song!  Matthew 10:13-15, “If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town”.  Jesus tells us to keep preaching.  Keep pointing people towards Him.  It’s ok to want to explain your side or clarify.  But if you keep going and pushing, who are you helping?  Is it for your own ego?  You have to trust God will work out what He has planned for that person you tried to change.  So, preach, point to Him and then, let it go!

So, if things had gone my way, would we still be living in the Pizza Hut house?  Who knows.  But what I can tell you from that experience, is that I had to turn it over to Him.  Once I did, He was right there and handed me what I asked for on a silver platter.  And no, my house isn’t perfect but it’s perfect for us.  And I am so thankful for His blessings for allowing us to have what He picked for us.

So if things haven’t gone your way lately, don’t get down.  Really.  I know it’s hard and stressful!  But you HAVE TO trust in Him that He has your best interest at heart.  Just talk to Him about it.  I mean really, what is the downside to praying?  And then, once you get it all out…let it go.  If you need a visual to help you through it, I have a suggestion.  Pick out a beautiful leaf.  Take great care in picking this leaf.  Then, find a stream and let it go.  Watch it drift down the stream.  Notice how that leaf gets caught on branches, or get caught in a current where it drifts quickly OR it gets sucked underwater.  That leaf that you picked with great care is your problem(s) that you are so stressed about and God is the stream.  No matter how hard the situation or where it goes, He will deal with it.

Love you all,
