Hey friends!  So here we sit…7 days after Christmas and just like that!  It’s New Year’s.  Every year about this time, I always like to sit and ponder what my personal goals are for the upcoming year.  Of course, I know myself better than anyone.  So my goals have to be realistic or they will never stick.  I try very hard to listen to the Lord and determine what I need to focus on for the upcoming year.  So far, I am struggling!  So, is it necessary to set goals as a christian?  Let’s talk about it!

I know a lot of people talk about “resolutions”.  Listen, I let that term leave my vocabulary (in regards to me personally) years ago.  You see, a resolution is a “firm decision to do or not to do something”.  I can’t make a firm decision on dinner and you want me to decide for the year??!  This is why I had to go BACK to college because I couldn’t decide firmly on what I wanted to be when I grew up!  But a goal…I can work with a goal.  My goal is to cook dinner for my family and eat.  Bam!  I got that.  See the difference in my brain.  🙂  It’s what works for me.

My goals have become more and more Christ centered over the years.  I know!  It should ALWAYS be Christ centered.  But again, as I grow in my faith, my goals change to be Christ centered.  But as a christian, do I need to make a goal for the upcoming year?

Yes and no.  To be very black and white, the Scripture doesn’t say anything about goals at the end of one year and the beginning of another.  But what Scripture does say is: contemplate our lives and commit them to the Lord (Prov 16:9). We are told to set our minds on things above (Col. 3:2) and to put our immoralities to death (Col. 3:5) while pursuing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col. 3:12).  I like there is  no specific date because it goes to show you can do these at ANY time.  Not just this time of year.  

You know I like to keep these real, right?  80% of us who set well intended goals, will not see them past Valentine’s Day.  I would love to tell you why this is but for me, I overestimate what I can accomplish.  Of course, we have different levels of busyness.  So, I try to create a focus for the year.  Of course, my eyes are always set on the Lord.  But I try to reflect on what I accomplished in 2024 and then decide what I need to work on for 2025.  This year, for me, is being more intent with my time with the Lord.  I need to set aside a set time for Him and not be all willy nilly with my time with/for Him.

When you set this goal, understand that you don’t need to know what the future holds.  These goals help us face the future. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.  These two verses tell us to trust Him, acknowledge Him and follow His plans.  When you break it down like that it sounds easy doesn’t it?  I know, I know!  It’s not quite that easy but that’s why we set spiritual goals.  To get better in areas we need to work on!

I am not going to assign you homework or give you a takeaway this week. I think that is on you.  I pray that your walk with the Lord will grow this year.  

Love you all and see you next year,
