Hey friends! I hope you are all doing well. If you have missed it, Pastor Scott has been preaching a series called, “Good Stories From The Good Shepherd”. It’s REALLY good. If you have missed a week or two, no big deal! Just look on Facebook and all his sermons are there waiting on you to watch them! I highly recommend them.
You are enough. Love yourself. You are perfect just the way you are! Do these saying ring a bell to you? In our world today, we hear these a lot. You see them printed on notebooks, shirts, hats etc. mostly targeting young women. Are these right? Are we enough? Are we perfect just the way we are? Should we love ourselves? Let’s talk about it.
This is the part of my motivation where I tell you a story about me. But this week, I have been in a situation where I have sat back and watched someone spiral downward. I’ll be honest, being someone on the outside looking in, it’s heartbreaking. I want to grab them and yell, “Get it together! Stop this nonsense!” And to me, it is nonsense. Because I care about them. This person’s family cares about them. This person’s neighbors care about them! We all love this person. They just don’t love themself. Because of this situation, I’ve really had a long hard look at myself.
While growing up as a christian, I was always told to love God and love others. It was pretty clear cut. But Matthew 22:37-39 states, “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Did you see that last part? Love your neighbor as you love yourself. This got me to thinking. The grace I show others is directly related to the grace I show myself. In the way I care for my mental, physical, and emotional needs will also be the way I invest in caring for the needs of those around me. The way I learn to have compassion on myself is the way that I would have love and compassion for others.
We all know the song, “Jesus Loves Me”. And as a christian, we don’t doubt His love for us, right? And the Bible clearly states we are to love others, right? Well, if we are going to do what Jesus tells us to do (which is love others) don’t you think love has to come from within?
Now, John MacArthur has a different take on the verse above. He states in The MacArthur Bible Commentary, “Contrary to some contemporary interpretations, it does not mandate self-love. Rather, it contains in different words the very same idea as the Golden Rule. It prompts believers to measure their love for others by what they wish for themselves.” Many believe self-love takes the focus off loving God and pursuing Him. Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”
Well, Jennifer…what is the right answer?
Well, after looking at all sides of the Bible, I think it’s a balance. I do believe all the, “You are enough” sayings are silly. Because, that’s false. YOU are not enough without Him. YOU are not perfect just the way you are. YOU need to seek Him for…everything. But do I believe God wants us to not love ourselves to the point mistreating our body? Absolutely not and there is scripture to back that up. I believe loving yourself enough to know YOU can’t do this alone is the balance.
Love you all,
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