Motivational Monday- the 5 “L’s” of Life Series
Hey friends! When I started this series, I would love to tell you that I planned to talk about labor on Labor Day but I am not that organized. It just worked out that way. Speaking of work…what does God say about work? How hard do we need to labor? So, let’s talk it!
For those who don’t know, I am 44 years old. I have worked since I was 16 years old and I have quite a bit of my work life left in me. I think about the day I can retire but I am not sure what I will do when that time comes. If I turn out like my mother, I’ll be busier retired than working! She never really stopped working. Her focus just shifted to working for the Lord.
The Bible makes it clear that work matters to God. And it doesn’t matter how much you make or what your occupation is. God cares about your work (He really does!). There are some points the Bible makes about working/laboring. It provides us with a practical foundation for Christians asking about what the Bible says about how we should approach our work.
First, work is part of God’s big picture. Let’s start with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Work was planned by God from the beginning until the very end. He created it. So working is a gift from God. You don’t have to love working but you should acknowledge that He gifted you the ability to work.
Second, God provides us with unique skills, gifts and talents and calls us to certain roles and activities. I know one of my skills is people. I can make people feel at ease and therefore, they open up to me (like in the middle of Walmart. True story). For my mental state, I never wanted to be a counselor but I knew I SHOULD work with people. I think like everyone, I worry if I am fulfilling God’s calling with my life but all I can do is pray and stay open to His guidance. In my professional life, when people open up to me, I try to approach all subjects with love and understanding. So far, it hasn’t failed me yet!
Third, a foundation of work is quality, character and ethics. We are responsible for our quality of work we produce, our faithfulness to God in the way we pursue work and our own character while working. Early in my career, I was asked to do something that was unethical. I really needed my job and we couldn’t afford for me to be terminated (which was the stated outcome if I didn’t comply with what was presented). I had to make a quick decision and I didn’t have time to talk it over with Jon. Not only did I refuse but I dared them to fire me. Now, I probably shouldn’t have dared them 😬 (anger slid in and took over a minute) but I don’t regret the decision. I knew my time with them was limited because of the decision I made but it was the right decision. I left my job a few months later. My ethics are based on right and wrong. Biblical ethics in my professional life. For the record, I talk about my ethics in job interviews so this is never an issue again.
Fourth, we are called to rest. Can I tell you how MUCH I appreciate the Lord stating we need to rest? I am someone who never stops. I can never get it all done whether it’s at home, at church or work. There are things that stay unfinished and I feel guilty for resting. But there are days (like today), I need to recharge and rest. I have to remind myself that it’s ok to do this because God! When God created us, He didn’t have to design us to sleep but He did. Have you ever thought about that? He could have designed us to be the Energizer Bunny and keep going and going and going…
I appreciate Labor Day because it’s a celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. Labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made in America’s strength, prosperity and well being. But laboring isn’t about our country. It doesn’t matter how young or old. Never stop laboring for God.
Love you all and see you next week!